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It's a crime that may have happened but has not been proved.

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Q: What is an alleged crime?
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What is the crime site?

It is the place where the crime or alleged crime was believed to have been committed.

Is there any words for alleggation like allegational?

Alleged. As in, My neighbor alleged that I did the crime, but I did not.

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They could if you moved to that county and they check your record. But mostly, the answer is a no.

What US district court would hear a federal crime?

The district court in the jurisdiction for which the crime was alleged to have been committed.

Did the Scottsboros commit the crime?

They were alleged to have raped two white women on a freight train.

What crime did the Scottsboro boys commit?

They were alleged to have raped two white women on a freight train.

Can a person be charged with shoplifting if the store did not stop you the day of the alleged crime was commented can they only go by alleged video taping?

If they got you on tape and can prove it's you, they can and probably will still charge you for it.

When was the crime committed in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The crime in "To Kill a Mockingbird" was committed before the events of the book take place. The crime was an alleged rape of a white woman, which is central to the storyline and sets the stage for the trial of Tom Robinson.

What is an alibi?

An alibi is a defence of a crime, under which a person on trial proves or attempts to prove that he or she was in another place when the alleged act was committed.

How did meyella get rid of the children the day of the alleged crime?

she gives them money to go into town to buy ice cream or whatever they want :)

What is the process of booking an alleged criminal?

You have to find out his name. Read about his case. Acquire his photo, fingerprint, or any piece of evidence. Afterwards, you record his crime.