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Q: What is an anaerobic harvest of food energy called?
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What do you call the release of energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen?

The release of energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration. When there is oxygen present it is called aerobic respiration.

What is the breaking down of food molecules without the use of oxygen called?

Anaerobic decomposition or anaerobic digestion.

When an organism can survive without oxygen it is called this?

An organism is described as anaerobic [from the Greek word "an" (opposite) and "aerobio" (air-lived)] if it does not require oxygen in order to survive. Instead, anaerobic organisms use anaerobic respiration to obtain energy from food. Most anaerobic organisms are microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and internal parasites that live in places where there is never much oxygen, such as in the mud at the bottom of a lake or pond, or in the alimentary canal. Anaerobic organisms release much less of the available energy from their food than do aerobic organisms.

What does the cell have to do in order to get the energy that is stored in a molecule like glucose sugar?

thats the use of mitochondria . it brakes down food molecules into energy in the process of anaerobic respiration or anaerobic respiration

The process by which cells harvest energy from food?

it is cellular respiration

How does fermentation differ from respiration?

Cellular Respiration occurs if there is the oxygen involved, this is also called aerobic respiration. Fermentation is also known as anaerobic respiration which means that it doesn't need oxygen.

What is the process by which cells use oxygen to turn food into energy?

Respiration ---- * areobic respiration which requires oxygen * anaerobic doesn't require oxygen aerobic respiration needs glucose and oxygen. During anaerobic respiration the glucose is only partly broken down to form lactic acid and energy.

The process of breaking down food to release its energy is called?

The process of breaking down food so we can absorb it is called digestion. Releasing the energy by breaking it down further in our cells is respiration.

What are examples of food energy?

Food energy is energy that animals (including humans) derive from their food, through the process of cellular respiration, the process of joining oxygen with the molecules of food (aerobic respiration) or of reorganizing the atoms within the molecules for anaerobic respiration.

When energy is given off in the absence of oxygen is what?


What is the point of Respiration?

The point of cellular respiration is to harvest electrons from organic compounds such as glucose and use that energy to make a molecule called ATP

What is anaerobic respiratory?

A process where, energy is released from molecules such as glucose in food, without requiring oxygen. Anaerobic respiration releases energy fast, although isn't as effecient as aerobic respiration. Simply, it is respiration withour the presence of oxygen.