

What is an antiscience?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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An antiscience is the general abuse or rejection of traditional science.

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What are some words end with the suffix -ence?

Some words that end with the suffix ence:abhorrence. absence. abstinence. accidence. acquiescence. adherence. adolescence. advertence. affluence. ambience. ambivalence. antecedence. antiscience. antiviolence. appetence. arborescence. ascendence. audience. belligerence. eloquence. emergence. eminence. equipollence. equivalence. essence. esurience. ethnoscience. evanescence. evidence. excellence. magnificence. magniloquence. maleficence. malevolence. quiescence. quintessence. recommence. recrudescence. recurrence. redolence. reemergence. sapience. science. senescence. sentence. sentience. sequence. silence. sithence. sixpence. somnolence. spence. stridence. submergence. subscience. subsentence. subsequence. subservience. subsidence. subsistence. succulence. supereminence. superintelligence. superintendence. tangence. teleconference. tendence. tenpence. thence. thermoluminescence. thermoremanence. threepence. transcendence. transference. transience. translucence. transparence. triboluminescence. truculence. tumescence. tuppence. turbulence. turgescence. twopence. ultraviolence. unfence. valence. vehemence. vergence. videoconference. violence. virescence. virulence. whence.

What words end with ence?

abhorrence absence abstinence accidence acquiescence adherence adolescence advertence affluence ambience ambivalence antecedence antiscience antiviolence appetence arborescence ascendence audience belligerence beneficence benevolence bioluminescence bioscience birefringence cadence candescence chemiluminescence circumference clairaudience clarence coalescence codependence coexistence coherence coincidence commence competence complacence concrescence concupiscence concurrence condescendence condolence conference conferrence confidence confluence congruence conscience consequence consistence continence contingence convalescence convenience convergence corpulence correspondence counterevidence counterinfluence counterintelligence countertransference counterviolence covalence credence decadence defence deference defervescence dehiscence deliquescence dependence despondence deterrence detumescence difference diffidence diligence disobedience dissidence divergence divulgence ebullience effervescence efflorescence effluence effulgence electroluminescence eloquence emergence eminence equipollence equivalence essence esurience ethnoscience evanescence evidence excellence excrescence exigence existence expedience experience faience feculence fence flatulence florence florescence fluorescence fraudulence frequence geoscience grandiloquence halfpence hence hypersomnolence immanence imminence immunocompetence immunofluorescence impatience impenitence impercipience impermanence impertinence impotence improvidence imprudence impudence inadvertence inappetence incalescence incandescence incidence incipience incoherence incompetence incongruence inconsequence inconsistence incontinence inconvenience incurrence indehiscence independence indifference indigence indolence indulgence inexistence inexpedience inexperience inference inflorescence influence infrequence inherence innocence insentience insistence insolence insurgence intelligence interdependence interference interinfluence intermittence intransigence intumescence iridescence irreverence jurisprudence juvenescence lenience licence lucence luminescence magnificence magniloquence maleficence malevolence mergence misreference multivalence munificence nascence negligence nescience neuroscience noncoincidence nonconcurrence nonconference nonconfidence nonequivalence nonevidence nonexistence nonindependence noninfluence noninterference nonoccurrence nonresidence nonscience nonsentence nonviolence obedience obsolescence occurrence offence omnicompetence omnipotence omnipresence omniscience opalescence opulence overconfidence overdependence overindulgence patience pearlescence pence penitence percipience permanence persistence pertinence pestilence phosphorescence polyvalence postemergence postexperience postindependence potence preadolescence precedence preemergence preeminence preexistence preference prepubescence prescience presence presentence pretence prevalence prominence provenience providence prudence prurience pseudoscience pubescence purulence putrescence quiescence quintessence recommence recrudescence recurrence redolence reemergence reexperience refence reference refluence refulgence rejuvenescence remanence reminiscence renascence reoccurrence resentence residence resilience resplendence resurgence reticence reverence reviviscence salience sapience science senescence sentence sentience sequence silence sithence sixpence somnolence spence stridence submergence subscience subsentence subsequence subservience subsidence subsistence succulence supereminence superintelligence superintendence tangence teleconference tendence tenpence thence thermoluminescence thermoremanence threepence transcendence transference transience translucence transparence triboluminescence truculence tumescence tuppence turbulence turgescence twopence ultraviolence unfence valence vehemence vergence videoconference violence virescence virulence whence

Are evolution and intelligent design mutually exclusive?

Yes. Evolution is science. Intelligent Design is dogma that contradicts the evidence found by science.AnswerIt could be argued that evolution and intelligent design (ID) are not competing ideas, or it could be argued that they are mutually exclusive. Let's look at both sides of the equation and attempt to puzzle it out.Evolution is represented by modern evolutionary synthesis (MES), the current "state of the art" model of evolution. MES looks at the big picture as regards life on earth and the changes it has undergone in the eons since it arose here. MES is not science that is "scrambling" for facts to support it as some supporters of creation theory might suggest. Rather, MES explains the facts. It is fact. Life has been here a long, long time. And it has taken many forms. Changes in its forms are evolutionary developments. The paleontological record, backed up by the geological record, could not be plainer in demonstrating this. But MES has no facts to offer as regards the origin of life. Only theories. Intelligent design (ID) is another theory about how life began. ID suggests that an intelligent designer (God) created life. There is no conflict between the theoretical concepts of ID and the idea that life arose spontaneously on earth or was transported here. Certainly MES and evolutionists can't say that God didn't create life. Evolution and ID are not at odds in agenesis, are not mutually exclusive. All ideas of agenesis are just factless competing theories. Only that. But the problem is that ID doesn't stop there. Nor shall we. Let's look at "the rest" of ID.ID as it was put forth basically says that life arose by the hand of an intelligent designer. And this intelligent designer is God (though it is not so stated by them). ID theorists are starting to group together under the banner of "creation science" to further their agenda. The problem is that creation science is an oxymoron. If there was any real scientific evidence to "creation science" it could then puff out its chest and strut around as "regular science" and the scientific community as a whole would have to take it seriously. But ID is not supported by any scientific facts whatsoever. ID uses legitimate scientific facts, discovered and proved by others, selectively in an attempt to validate it's existence as a legitimate theory which could be used to explain the massive improbabilities and inconsistencies in the Bible. Do you see the problem? Evolution and ID are mutually exclusive here. Evolution is science. Real science with a massive body of peer reviewed evidence, accumulated over hundreds of years, to support it. Evolution is supported by the Fossil Record, by hard, physical evidence. ID is without any factual support, and that makes it "wanna be" science. ID is actually a political and social tool. And other questions under the heading of Creation in WikiAnswers deal with this in more detail. Further reading is strongly suggested, and links are provided.AnswerYou'd need to define evolution and intelligent design. If take evolution to merely mean common descent, an old earth, etc, and intelligent design to be ID, the modern resurrection of Paley's watchmaker argument + some BS, they are not incompatible. This compatibility doesn't indicate that it's in any way scientific, since we've used a weird version of evolution.Now, if we take modern evolutionary theory, it is like oil and water. Evolution is science, the ID misrepresents itself as science. Evolution makes specific predictions, follows direct empirical evidence, and is well-established (evolutionary theory). The other, Intelligent Design, is muddled with a complete lack of explanation, baseless claims, very obvious fallacies, outright dishonesty, and arose fairly recently out of antiscience initiatives (the desire to change the methodology/philosophy of science). Not only this, but ID proponents directly oppose and slander modern evolutionary theory, often using dishonest polemic (like Dembski). Biological scientists as well as many other scientists criticize ID fairly heavily whenever the topic arises, given its many faults (it's nothing *but* faults, really).Unlike what was written above, however, ID proponents do not put themselves under the "creation science" banner, although it's an offshoot from the same general movement: antievolution, antiscience, pro-deity. It's an attempt to wrap a scientific (pseudoscientific) veneer around a group of "intellectuals"' theological ideologies. You can find this is Meyers' writings, Dembski's writings, Wells' writings: a prior commitment to a specific antiscience or antievolution goal that is not to be concerned with petty things like facts, hypotheses, or acadmic honesty.Answer:Intelligent design and evolution are absolutely mutually exclusive. Many people believe that God created humanity through the physical process of evolution. It is logically possible to be a Bible believing Christian and still accept evolution. The creation account in Genesis is Hebrew poetry, not modern history. It was never meant by the author to be a literal account of the creation of the world. It therefore, expresses theological not scientific truth. This leaves plenty of room for evolution or any other scientific theory of origins. The creation stories use beautiful stories to teach relationships and responsibilities, but not to teach science (how God created).Answer:Yes they are. To be 'one of the same', intelligent design would have to undergo the same rigorous peer review that evolution is subjected to. Intelligent design is not a theory, because it cannot be tested by experiment or observation, evolution can. There is no evidence that some things were designed, rather than evolving from another organism. Also, having organisms that were designed among other organisms would ruin the process of evolution, as the 'face of change' would become so great, so quickly, that there wouldn't be enough genetic diversity for the organism to survive. If you are talking about whether an intelligent designer could have started evolution, it would raise the questions:1) does it matter?2) why would they bother doing it this way?(remember they are omnipotent and omniscient and know how they will evolve - assuming there was a designer)So they do not fit together, ID should not be taught in the biology classroom, it has no more place there than the stork theory does in sexual education.ANSWERScience and religion are not mutually exclusive, but science and intelligent design are. I think the most important answer to your question is that evolution in no way attempts to explain the origin of the universe and life in it, and in no way seeks to invalidate anyone's religious belief. The problem creationists have with evolution is that they themselves see it as a threat to their belief system, because evolution naturally invalidates many of the claims in the Bible, though that is not its purpose. The creationists seem to think scientists and others who believe in evolution are attempting to disprove creationist (normally Christian) religion, when in actuality the only problem evolutionists have with creationists is the fact that they seek to impose the religious viewpoint called "intelligent design" on others by calling it science. Many, if not all of the great scientists of the past were religious people, and all the scientists I know are religious (though not all Christian). The only thing that keeps certain religious fundamentalists from accepting evolution is their belief in the absolute literalness of their holy books. They limit God's communications by not being open to analogy, metaphor, and myth being used to help the books' intended audience (ancient desert nomads) understand the spiritual matters the books' authors sought to explain. They do not believe in proper exegesis of religious texts, or really even in theology, because theology, as a science, must consider other viewpoints.Short version:Science and religion are not mutually exclusive. But science and intelligent design are mutually exclusive.AnswerMicheal Behe, one of the ID movements most avid speakers, accepts evolution as a source of the biodiversity on earth today, he simply feels (quite without evidence, but we'll ignore that for now) it isn't enough to fully explain it all. So he favors a combination of the two.Answer:Some ask, "How can any designed living being [Example: Camouflage in various animals] arise all by itself out of chance?"Natural selection has nothing to do with chance. It is a non-random selection process.The chemical process of cell reproduction due to it's almost infinite occurrences carries with it a chance that a mistake is made when copying data from one cell to another. You might say a cell making a mistake when copying is a 1 in a zillion. Yet the event has occurred much more than a zillion times!Are you seriously suggesting if I asked you to copy out The Bible a zillion times every copy would be perfect, letter for letter? No. Even if you were the best typist on earth, there would be a chance you would make a mistake, and so it is with cells who are 99.999999+% accurate - there is still a chance a mistake can be made.This 'mutation' causes the new being to be slightly different to it's predecessor, sometimes in a positive and sometimes in a negative way. But it will be ever-so slight. Let's look at your example of camouflage.Say we had a bunch of horses, all brown, living in tall grassland. After generations and generations of reproduction (and therefore cell copying) a number of errors are thrown up, which lead to slight variations in the horses. Nature will 'select' the strongest, so only variants which had advantageous mutations survive. Small flecks in the hide enable one horse to hide better attract a mate quicker, eat for longer - whatever; it doesn't matter how tiny the advantage is, the advantage builds up over time) so his instructions get copied more often generation from generation until eventually the discolouration is the horse population standard, all the while carrying the same chance these 'new' instructions become corrupted in reproduction. Again, anything positive thrown up by mutation is going to lead to the population swinging towards that 'design' by the sheer fact it has an advantage over those who were unaffected (or affected by a different, negative) mutation. So 'more flecks' is advantageous over 'some flecks'. Follow this through more generations and generations (remember we are dealing with unfathomable amounts of time) and you have evolution of camouflage; the non-random process of natural selection bias towards the more successful variant of a chance mutation, occurring a billion times over.The notion that 'suddenly' animals had camouflage is not an argument any evolutionist is putting forward - evolution of any 'design' was reached by a process of tiny baby steps. Anyone who wants to deny evolution, had better turn away every time they walk past dogs who through forced human selection have evolved rapidly into variations very different from each other. The only difference here is that the notion of "strongest" is not in facing the forces of nature, but the whims of human desire. Breed small dog with small dog, get smaller dog - breed smaller dog with small dog, get tiny dog, breed tiny dog with smaller dog get a plaything for Paris Hilton.All evolution is saying is that an animal with advantage is more likely to survive and reproduce than an animal without, and therefore more of that animal and it's traits are going to exist. Mutation, errors in cell copying lead to slight variations, which can turn out to be just those advantages. It's been proved, we have even made it happen ourselves with domestic animals, and there is nothing wrong with the theory other than the fact it discounts the need for a 'designer' which worries people who have wasted their time and money pandering to a non-existent and now redundant deity.

What words begin with the prefix anti?

For reference: Anti- means "against" antiabortion antiabortionist antiabortionists antiacademic antiacademics antiadministration antiaggression antiaging antiair antiaircraft antiaircrafts antialcohol antialcoholism antialcoholisms antialien antiallergenic antiallergenics antianemia antianxiety antiapartheid antiapartheids antiaphrodisiac antiaphrodisiacs antiar antiarin antiarins antiaristocratic antiarrhythmic antiarrhythmics antiars antiarthritic antiarthritics antiarthritis antiassimilation antiassimilations antiasthma antiatom antiatoms antiauthoritarian antiauthoritarianism antiauthoritarianisms antiauthority antiauxin antiauxins antibacklash antibacterial antibacterials antibaryon antibaryons antibias antibillboard antibioses antibiosis antibiotic antibiotically antibiotics antiblack antiblackism antiblackisms antibodies antibody antiboss antibourgeois antiboycott antiboycotts antibug antibureaucratic antiburglar antiburglary antibusiness antibusing antic anticaking antically anticancer anticapitalism anticapitalisms anticapitalist anticapitalists anticar anticarcinogen anticarcinogenic anticarcinogens anticaries anticatalyst anticatalysts anticathode anticathodes anticellulite anticensorship anticholesterol anticholinergic anticholinergics anticholinesterase anticholinesterases antichurch anticigarette anticipant anticipants anticipatable anticipate anticipated anticipates anticipating anticipation anticipations anticipator anticipators anticipatory anticity antick anticked anticking anticks anticlassical anticlerical anticlericalism anticlericalisms anticlericalist anticlericalists anticlericals anticlimactic anticlimactical anticlimactically anticlimax anticlimaxes anticlinal anticline anticlines anticling anticlockwise anticlotting anticly anticoagulant anticoagulants anticodon anticodons anticold anticollision anticolonial anticolonialism anticolonialisms anticolonialist anticolonialists anticolonials anticommercial anticommercialism anticommercialisms anticommunism anticommunisms anticommunist anticommunists anticompetitive anticonglomerate anticonservation anticonservationist anticonservationists anticonservations anticonsumer anticonsumers anticonventional anticonvulsant anticonvulsants anticonvulsive anticonvulsives anticorporate anticorrosion anticorrosive anticorrosives anticorruption anticorruptions anticounterfeiting anticrack anticreative anticrime anticruelty antics anticult anticultural anticyclone anticyclones anticyclonic antidandruff antidefamation antidemocratic antidepressant antidepressants antidepression antidepressions antiderivative antiderivatives antidesegregation antidesertification antidesiccant antidesiccants antidevelopment antidiabetic antidiabetics antidiarrheal antidilution antidiscrimination antidogmatic antidora antidotal antidotally antidote antidoted antidotes antidoting antidraft antidromic antidromically antidrug antidumping antieconomic antieducational antiegalitarian antielectron antielectrons antielite antielites antielitism antielitisms antielitist antielitists antiemetic antiemetics antientropic antiepilepsy antiepileptic antiepileptics antierotic antiestablishment antiestrogen antiestrogens antievolution antievolutionary antievolutionism antievolutionisms antievolutionist antievolutionists antifamily antifascism antifascisms antifascist antifascists antifashion antifashionable antifashions antifat antifatigue antifederalist antifederalists antifemale antifeminine antifeminism antifeminisms antifeminist antifeminists antiferromagnet antiferromagnetic antiferromagnetically antiferromagnetism antiferromagnetisms antiferromagnets antifertility antifilibuster antifilibusters antiflu antifluoridationist antifluoridationists antifoam antifoaming antifogging antiforeclosure antiforeign antiforeigner antiformalist antiformalists antifouling antifraud antifreeze antifreezes antifriction antifrictions antifungal antifungals antifur antigambling antigay antigen antigene antigenes antigenic antigenically antigenicities antigenicity antigens antiglare antiglobulin antiglobulins antigovernment antigravities antigravity antigrowth antiguerrilla antiguerrillas antigun antihero antiheroes antiheroic antiheroine antiheroines antiherpes antihierarchical antihijack antihistamine antihistamines antihistaminic antihistaminics antihistorical antihomosexual antihuman antihumanism antihumanisms antihumanistic antihumanitarian antihumanitarians antihunter antihunting antihuntings antihypertensive antihypertensives antihysteric antihysterics antijam antijamming antikickback antiking antikings antiknock antiknocks antilabor antileak antileft antileprosy antilepton antileptons antileukemic antiliberal antiliberalism antiliberalisms antiliberals antilibertarian antilibertarians antilife antiliterate antiliterates antilitter antilittering antilock antilog antilogarithm antilogarithmic antilogarithms antilogical antilogies antilogs antilogy antilynching antimacassar antimacassars antimacho antimagnetic antimalaria antimalarial antimalarials antimale antiman antimanagement antimanagements antimarijuana antimarket antimask antimasks antimaterialism antimaterialisms antimaterialist antimaterialists antimatter antimatters antimechanist antimechanists antimere antimeres antimerger antimetabolic antimetabolics antimetabolite antimetabolites antimetaphysical antimicrobial antimicrobials antimilitarism antimilitarisms antimilitarist antimilitarists antimilitary antimiscegenation antimissile antimissiles antimitotic antimitotics antimodern antimodernist antimodernists antimoderns antimonarchical antimonarchist antimonarchists antimonial antimonials antimonide antimonides antimonies antimonopolist antimonopolists antimonopoly antimony antimosquito antimusical antimycin antimycins antinarrative antinational antinationalist antinationalists antinatural antinature antinatures antinausea antineoplastic antinepotism antinepotisms antineutrino antineutrinos antineutron antineutrons anting antings antinodal antinode antinodes antinoise antinomian antinomianism antinomianisms antinomians antinomic antinomies antinomy antinovel antinovelist antinovelists antinovels antinuclear antinucleon antinucleons antinuke antiobesities antiobesity antiobscenities antiobscenity antiorganization antiorganizations antioxidant antioxidants antiozonant antiozonants antipapal antiparallel antiparasitic antiparasitics antiparticle antiparticles antiparty antipasti antipasto antipastos antipathetic antipathetically antipathies antipathy antiperiodic antipersonnel antiperspirant antiperspirants antipesticide antiphlogistic antiphon antiphonal antiphonally antiphonals antiphonaries antiphonary antiphonies antiphons antiphony antiphrases antiphrasis antipill antipiracies antipiracy antiplague antiplagues antiplaque antipleasure antipleasures antipoaching antipodal antipodals antipode antipodean antipodeans antipodes antipoetic antipole antipoles antipolice antipolitical antipolitics antipollution antipollutions antipope antipopes antipopular antiporn antipornographic antipornography antipot antipoverty antipredator antipredators antipress antiprofiteering antiprogressive antiprostitution antiproton antiprotons antipruritic antipruritics antipsychotic antipsychotics antipyic antipyics antipyreses antipyresis antipyretic antipyretics antipyrine antipyrines antiquarian antiquarianism antiquarianisms antiquarians antiquaries antiquark antiquarks antiquary antiquate antiquated antiquates antiquating antiquation antiquations antique antiqued antiquer antiquers antiques antiquing antiquities antiquity antirabies antirachitic antiracism antiracisms antiracist antiracists antiracketeering antiradar antiradical antiradicalism antiradicalisms antirape antirational antirationalism antirationalisms antirationalist antirationalists antirationalities antirationality antirealism antirealisms antirealist antirealists antirecession antirecessionary antirecessions antired antireductionism antireductionisms antireductionist antireductionists antireflection antireflective antireform antiregulatory antirejection antireligion antireligious antirevolutionaries antirevolutionary antirheumatic antirheumatics antiriot antiritualism antiritualisms antirock antiroll antiromantic antiromanticism antiromanticisms antiromantics antiroyalist antiroyalists antirrhinum antirrhinums antirust antirusts antis antisag antisatellite antischizophrenia antischizophrenic antiscience antisciences antiscientific antiscorbutic antiscorbutics antisecrecy antisegregation antiseizure antisense antisentimental antiseparatist antiseparatists antisepses antisepsis antiseptic antiseptically antiseptics antisera antiserum antiserums antisex antisexist antisexists antisexual antisexualities antisexuality antishark antiship antishock antishoplifting antiskid antislaveries antislavery antisleep antislip antismog antismoke antismoker antismokers antismoking antismuggling antismut antisnob antisocial antisocialist antisocialists antisocially antisolar antispasmodic antispasmodics antispeculation antispeculative antispending antistat antistate antistatic antistick antistories antistory antistress antistrike antistrophe antistrophes antistrophic antistrophically antistudent antisubmarine antisubsidy antisubversion antisubversions antisubversive antisubversives antisuicide antisymmetric antisyphilitic antisyphilitics antitakeover antitank antitarnish antitax antitechnological antitechnologies antitechnology antiterrorism antiterrorisms antiterrorist antiterrorists antitheft antitheoretical antitheses antithesis antithetic antithetical antithetically antithrombin antithrombins antithyroid antitobacco antitotalitarian antitoxic antitoxin antitoxins antitrades antitraditional antitrust antitruster antitrusters antitubercular antituberculosis antituberculous antitumor antitumoral antitussive antitussives antitype antitypes antityphoid antiulcer antiunemployment antiunion antiuniversities antiuniversity antiurban antivenin antivenins antiviolence antiviral antivirus antivitamin antivitamins antivivisection antivivisectionist antivivisectionists antiwar antiwear antiweed antiwelfare antiwhaling antiwhite antiwoman antiwrinkle autoantibodies autoantibody

11 letter word starting with an A?

abandonment abbreviated abbreviates abbreviator abdications abdominally abecedarian aberrancies aberrations abhorrences abhorrently abiogeneses abiogenesis abiogenists abiological abiotically abjurations ablutionary abnegations abnormality abolishable abolishment abominating abomination abominators aboriginals abortionist aboveground abracadabra abreactions abridgement abridgments abrogations abscissions absenteeism absolutions absolutisms absolutists absolutized absolutizes absorbances absorbingly absorptance absorptions abstentions abstentious abstinences abstinently abstracters abstractest abstracting abstraction abstractive abstractors abstricting absurdities abusiveness academician academicism acatalectic acaulescent accelerando accelerants accelerated accelerates accelerator accentually accentuated accentuates acceptances acceptation acceptingly accessaries accessional accessioned accessorial accessories accessorise accessorize accidentals accipitrine acclamation acclimating acclimation acclimatise acclimatize acclivities accommodate accompanied accompanies accompanist accomplices accordances accordantly accordingly accoucheurs accountable accountably accountancy accountants accountings accoutering accrediting accruements acculturate accumulated accumulates accumulator accusations accusatives accustoming acerbically acetabulums acetanilide acetanilids acetylating acetylation acetylative achievement achondrites achondritic achromatism achromatize acidimeters acidimetric acidophiles acidophilic acidulating acidulation acknowledge acoelomates acoustician acquainting acquiescent acquiescing acquirement acquisition acquisitive acquisitors acquittance acridnesses acriflavine acrimonious acrocentric acromegalic acropetally acrophobias acropolises acrylamides actinically actinolites actinometer actinometry actinomyces actinomycin activations actomyosins actualities actualizing actuarially acupressure acupuncture acutenesses adaptations adaptedness addressable adenomatous adeptnesses adiposities adjacencies adjectively adjournment adjudicated adjudicates adjudicator adjunctions adjurations adjustments adjutancies admeasuring administers admiralties admirations admittances admonishers admonishing admonitions adolescence adolescents adoptianism adoptionism adoptionist adorability adrenalines adrenalized adsorptions adulterants adulterated adulterates adulterator adultnesses adumbrating adumbration adumbrative advancement advantaging adventitial adventitias adventurers adventuress adventuring adventurism adventurist adventurous adverbially adversarial adversaries adversative adverseness adversities advertences advertently advertisers advertising advertizing advertorial advisements advocations aeciospores aepyornises aerenchymas aerobically aerobicized aerobicizes aerobiology aerobraking aerodynamic aeroelastic aerogrammes aeromedical aeronautics aeronomical aeronomists aerosolized aerosolizes aerostatics aesthetical aestivating aestivation aetiologies affectation affectingly affectional affectioned affectively affectivity afficionado affiliating affiliation affirmances affirmation affirmative affixations afflictions affluencies afforesting affricative affrighting aficionadas aficionados afterbirths afterburner aftereffect afterimages aftermarket afterpieces aftershaves aftershocks aftertastes afterworlds agamospermy agelessness agglomerate agglutinate agglutinins aggradation aggrandised aggrandises aggrandized aggrandizer aggrandizes aggravating aggravation aggregately aggregating aggregation aggregative aggressions aggrievedly agitational agnosticism agonizingly agoraphobes agoraphobia agoraphobic agrarianism agriculture agronomists ahistorical aiguillette ailanthuses ailurophile ailurophobe aimlessness airbrushing airdropping airfreights airlessness airmanships airproofing airsickness airworthier alabastrine albatrosses albuminuria albuminuric alchemistic alchemizing alcoholisms alcyonarian aldosterone alertnesses alexandrine alexandrite algebraists algolagniac algolagnias algological algologists algorithmic alienations aliennesses alightments alikenesses aliteracies alivenesses alkalifying alkalimeter alkalimetry alkalinized alkalinizes alkylations allantoides allegations allegiances allegorical allegorised allegorises allegorists allegorized allegorizer allegorizes allegrettos allelomorph allelopathy alleviating alleviation alleviators alliterated alliterates alloantigen allocatable allocations allocutions allografted allographic allometries allomorphic allopatries allopurinol allosteries allotropies allowancing allurements almsgivings alonenesses aloofnesses alpenstocks alphabeting alphabetize altarpieces altazimuths alterations altercating altercation alternately alternating alternation alternative alternators altimetries altitudinal altocumulus altogethers altostratus aluminizing amalgamated amalgamates amalgamator amantadines amaranthine amaryllises amateurisms amativeness amazonstone ambassadors ambergrises ambiguities ambiguously ambisexuals ambitioning ambitiously ambivalence ambiversion amblygonite ambrosially ambulations ambuscaders ambuscading ambushments ameliorated ameliorates ameliorator ameloblasts amenability amenorrheas amenorrheic amercements amethystine amiableness amicability aminopterin aminopyrine ammoniating ammoniation ammonifying ammunitions amobarbital amoebocytes amontillado amoralities amorousness amorphously amortizable amoxicillin amoxycillin amphetamine amphibolies amphibolite amphibology amphibrachs amphictyony amphimacers amphioxuses amphipathic amphiphiles amphiphilic amphiploids amphiploidy amphisbaena ampicillins amplenesses amputations amusingness amygdaloids amyloidoses amyloidosis amylopectin amyloplasts anabaptisms anachronism anachronous anacoluthic anacoluthon anacreontic anadiploses anadiplosis anaesthesia anaesthetic anagnorises anagnorisis anagramming analemmatic analogizing analogously analphabets analyticity analyzation anaphylaxes anaphylaxis anarchistic anastigmats anastomosed anastomoses anastomosis anastomotic anastrophes anatomising anatomizing ancestoring ancestrally anchoresses anchorwoman anchorwomen anchovettas ancientness ancientries ancillaries andalusites androgynies androgynous anecdotages anecdotally anecdotical anecdotists anemographs anemometers anencephaly anesthesias anesthetics anesthetist anesthetize anfractuous angelfishes angelically angiography angiomatous angioplasty angiosperms angiotensin anglicising anglicizing angrinesses angulations anilinguses animadverts animalcules animalculum animalistic animalities animalizing animateness animosities aniseikonia aniseikonic anisogamies anisogamous anisotropic ankylosaurs annexations annihilated annihilates annihilator anniversary annotations annualizing annulations annunciated annunciates annunciator anodization anointments anomalously anonymities anonymously anophelines anorthosite anovulatory antagonisms antagonists antagonized antagonizes antecedence antecedents antecessors antechamber antechapels antenatally antenuptial antependium antepenults anteverting antheridial antheridium anthocyanin anthologies anthologist anthologize anthracenes anthracites anthracitic anthracnose anthropical anthropoids antialcohol antianxiety antibaryons antibiotics antiboycott antiburglar anticathode anticipants anticipated anticipates anticipator anticruelty anticyclone antidotally antidumping antielitism antielitist antiemetics antifascism antifascist antifashion antifatigue antifoaming antifogging antiforeign antifouling antifreezes antifungals antigravity antiheroine antihunting antijamming antileprosy antileptons antiliberal antilogical antimalaria antimatters antimissile antimitotic antimoderns antimonials antimonides antimusical antinatural antinatures antineutron antinomians antinuclear antinucleon antiobesity antioxidant antiozonant antipathies antiphonals antiphonary antiphonies antiphrases antiphrasis antiplagues antipodeans antipopular antipoverty antiprotons antipyreses antipyresis antipyretic antipyrines antiquarian antiquaries antiquating antiquation antiquities antiracisms antiracists antiradical antirealism antirealist antirrhinum antiscience antisecrecy antiseizure antiseptics antisexists antislavery antismokers antismoking antistories antistrophe antistudent antisubsidy antisuicide antitarnish antithyroid antitobacco antitruster antitumoral antitussive antityphoid antivitamin antiwelfare antiwhaling antiwrinkle antonomasia anxiolytics anxiousness aortography apartmental apartnesses apatosaurus aphetically aphrodisiac apicultural apicultures apishnesses apocalypses apocalyptic apologetics apologising apologizers apologizing apomorphine aponeuroses aponeurosis aponeurotic apophthegms apophyllite aposiopeses aposiopesis aposiopetic apostatised apostatises apostatized apostatizes apostleship apostolates apostrophes apostrophic apotheosize appallingly apparatchik apparatuses apparelling apparitions appealingly appearances appeasement appellation appellative apperceived apperceives appertained appetencies applaudable applaudably applesauces application applicative applicators applicatory appliqueing appointment apportioned appositions appositives appreciable appreciably appreciated appreciates appreciator apprehended apprenticed apprentices appressoria approaching approbating approbation approbatory appropriate approvingly approximate appurtenant apriorities aptitudinal aquaculture aquamarines aquaplaners aquaplaning aquarellist aquatically aquatinters aquatinting aquatintist aquiculture arabicizing arabilities arabinoside arbitragers arbitrageur arbitraging arbitrament arbitrarily arbitrating arbitration arbitrative arbitrators arborescent arborvitaes arboviruses archaeology archaically archangelic archbishops archdeacons archdiocese archduchess archduchies archdukedom archegonial archegonium archenemies archenteron archesporia archipelago architraves archpriests arctangents arduousness arenicolous areocentric argumentive aristocracy aristocrats arithmetics aromaticity aromatizing arpeggiated arpeggiates arraignment arrangement arrestingly arrestments arrhythmias arrogations arteriogram arteritides arteritises arthralgias arthritides arthrodeses arthrodesis arthropathy arthropodan arthroscope arthroscopy arthrospore articulable articulated articulates articulator artifactual artilleries artillerist artiodactyl artisanship artlessness asafoetidas ascendances ascendantly ascendences ascensional ascertained ascetically asceticisms ascomycetes ascriptions aseptically asininities askewnesses asparagines aspergillum aspergillus asphaltites asphyxiated asphyxiates aspidistras aspirations assassinate assemblages assemblyman assemblymen assentation assertively assessments asseverated asseverates assiduities assiduously assignation assignments assimilable assimilated assimilates assimilator assistances associating association associative assoilments assortative assortments assuagement assumptions assuredness asterisking astigmatics astigmatism astonishing astringency astringents astrocytoma astrologers astrologies astrometric astronautic astronomers astronomies asymmetries atelectases atelectasis atheistical atherogenic athleticism athwartship atmosphered atmospheres atmospheric atomization atonalities atrabilious atrociously attachments attainments attempering attemptable attendances attentional attentively attenuating attenuation attenuators attestation attitudinal attornments attractance attractancy attractants attractions attributing attribution attributive attritional attunements atypicality auctioneers audaciously audiologies audiologist audiometers audiometric audiophiles audiovisual auditioning auditoriums auscultated auscultates austereness austerities autarchical authoresses authorising authorities authorizers authorizing authorships autocephaly autochthons autoclaving autocracies autocrosses autodidacts autoerotism autografted autographed autographic autoloading autolysates autolyzates automatable automations automatisms automatists automatized automatizes automobiled automobiles autonomists autorotated autorotates autosomally autostradas autosuggest autotomized autotomizes autotrophic autoworkers auxiliaries auxotrophic avalanching aventurines averageness avgolemonos avicultures avocational avoirdupois avouchments avuncularly awarenesses awesomeness awestricken awfulnesses awkwardness axiological axiomatized axiomatizes axisymmetry axonometric azimuthally azoospermia azotobacter

Thesis example of a business course graduate?

Resources & Collections Library Services About the Library News & AnnouncementsAPA STYLE GUIDE5th edition including APA Style Guide to Electronic ReferencesReference Citations in TextReferencesPrint Sources (paper) Articles, books, reports, government documents, corporate author, etc.Electronic Sources (online/web) articles, ebooks, reports, broadcast, data, blogs, wiki, podcasts, etc.,More HelpWeb SitesPDF version of APA GuideReturn to Library Home Page American Psychological Association or APA style is widely accepted in the Social Sciences.For more information consult the 5th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Associationlocated on 2North Reference and in Dictionary Stands on all floor: BF 76.7 .P83 2001. See also Publication Manual, Fifth Edition Reprint CorrectionsNOTE: Effective June 2007, section 4.16 of the 5th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association has been revised and updated. See APA Style Guide to Electronic References for further information. REFERENCE CITATIONS IN TEXTThroughout the body of your paper, briefly note the author and date of research that you mention. Enough information is needed to identify the correct source in the References list at the end of your paper.Author and Date Cited in Text (no parenthetical citation necessary) In a 1989 article, Gould explores some of Darwin's most effective metaphors.Author Not Cited in TextAs metaphors for the workings of nature, Darwin used the tangled bank, the tree oflife, and the face of nature (Gould, 1989).Author Cited in TextGould (1989) attributes Darwin's success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor.Direct Quotation with Name of AuthorGould (1989) explains that Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life "to express the other form of interconnectedness-genealogical rather than ecological-and to illustrate both success and failure in the history of life" (p. 14).Direct Quotation without Name of AuthorDarwin used the metaphor of the tree of life "to express the other form of interconnectedness-genealogical rather than ecological" (Gould, 1989, p. 14).For each of the samples above the correct "References" APA style formatwould be:Gould, S. J. (1989). The wheel of fortune and the wedge of progress. Natural History, 89(3), 14-21.Quoting references that cite other worksTo cite secondary sources, refer to both sources in the text, but include in the References list only the source that you actually used. For instance, suppose you read Feist (1998) and would like to paraphrase the following sentence within that book:Bandura (1989) defined self-efficacy as "people's beliefs about their capabilitiesto exercise control over events that affect their lives" (p. 1175).In this case, your in-text citation would be: (Bandura, 1989, as cited in Feist, 1998).Feist (1998) would be fully referenced within the list of References. Bandura (1989) would not be listed. For more information on citing secondary sources, see Example 22 in Section 4.16 of the Publication Manual. Remember to use the examples in this handout to cite and reference your quote correctly.Return to top of the page REFERENCESNOTE: As stated in the Publication Manual (section 5.18):Begin your list of references on a new page, headed with the word "References" centered at the top.Use "Reference" if there is only one.Alphabetize the list by author's last name. If there is no author given, start with the first significant word in the title.For article titles, capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle, and proper names.Periodical titles should be written in full with both capital and lower case letters.References are to be in a hanging indent format, meaning that the first line of each reference is set flush left and subsequent lines are indented.Double space the entire document.Example:Klimoski, R. & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. ConsultingPsychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36.Return to top of the page PRINT SOURCES: JOURNAL ARTICLES(periodical articles published in journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.)Format: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), pages.One AuthorMellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. PsychologicalBulletin, 126(6), 910-924.Two to Six AuthorsKlimoski, R., & Palmer, S.(1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations.Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research,45(2), 10-36.Six or More AuthorsWolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et al. (2000).An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs forchildren of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(5), 843-856.Magazine ArticleRodgers, J. (2006, July). Extreme psychology. Psychology Today, 39(4), 86-93.Review of a BookSchatz, B. R. (2000, November 17). Learning by text or context? [Review of the book Thesocial life of information]. Science, 290, 1304.Daily Newspaper Article, No AuthorNote: Use p or pp before page number. If the article had more than one page but not continuous then the citation would be "pp. A12, A14."New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (2001, August 3).The Washington Post, p. A12.Letter to the Editor, Newspaper ArticleBerkowitz, A.D. (2000, November 24). How to tackle the problem of student drinking [Letterto the editor]. The Chronicle of Higher Education, p B20.Entire Issue of a JournalBarlow, D.H. (Ed.). (1991) Diagnoses, dimensions, and DSM-IV: The science of classification[Special issue]. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100(3).Return to top of the page PRINT SOURCES: BOOKS AND REPORTSFormat: Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.BookMitchell, T. R., & Larson, J. R., Jr. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction toorganizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.A Book by More than One AuthorLevison, M., Ward, R. G., & Webb, J. W. (1973). The settlement of Polynesia: Acomputer simulation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.Edited BookRuiz, V. L., & Sánchez Korrol, V. (Eds.). (2006). Latinas in the United States: A historicalencyclopedia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.Corporate Author as publisherAmerican Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mentaldisorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.Anonymous AuthorGuidelines and application form for directors, 1990 summer seminar for school teachers.(1988). Washington, DC: National Endowment for the Humanities.Chapter in a BookMassaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L.Pick Jr., P. van den Broek, & D.C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual andmethodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American PsychologicalAssociation.ERIC DocumentMead, J. V. (1992) Looking at old photographs: Investigating the teacher tales thatnovice teachers bring with them (Report No. NCRTL-RR-92-4). East Lansing,MI: National Center for Research on Teaching Learning. (ERIC DocumentReproduction Service No. ED346082)Government ReportNational Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness(DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office.Return to top of the page ELECTRONIC (BROADCAST, ONLINE and WEB SITES)NOTE: APA protocols for citing electronic information are evolving. For the latest information, consult the official APA Web site. APA will update this page regularly as there are additions, changes, or clarifications to APA style. Also see APA Style Guide to Electronic References for further information.In June 2007, changes were made to APA style guidelines for citing electronic scholarly articles. Many scholarly publishers have been assigning unique identifiers to each published article. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is an alpha-numeric code registered to each scholarly article in order to assign a persistent link to the article. The DOI (or doi) has replaced the database name and URL in the list of references. Because the link is to the final version, do not include a retrieval date. Since DOI numbers are complex, copy and paste DOI into the reference.Citing electronic sources is similar to citing print sources: citations direct readers to the source or as close as possible.Where do I find a DOI?It may be part of the citation or abstract of a record.It may be found on the first page of an article, especially in pdf format.Use DOI Lookup( and paste a citation into CrossRef Simple Text Query( a known DOI by using CrossRef DOI Resolver( Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), pages. doi: unique identifierFull-Text Article with DOI assignedJacobson, J. W., Mulick, J. A., & Schwartz, A. A. (1995). A history of facilitatedcommunication: Science, pseudoscience, and antiscience. American Psychologist,50(9), 750-765. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.50.9.750Stevenson, W., Maton, K. I., & Teti, D. M. (1999). Social support, relationship quality,and well-being among pregnant adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 22(1), 109-121.doi: 10.1006/jado.1998.0204Full-Text Articles without a DOISome articles don't have an assigned DOI. Look for a something called a "persistent link" or "document URL" in the article record, usually on the abstract page.NOTE: give the exact URL for open access journals or the URL of the journal home page if accessed through a subscription. There is no period at the end of a reference citation ending with a URL.Francis-Smythe, J., & Robertson, I. (1999). Time-related Individual Differences.Time & Society, 8(2), 273-292. Retrieved from, B. (1997). Team roles and team performance: Is there really a link? Journal ofOccupational and Organizational Psychology, 70(3), 241-258. Retrieved from Web SiteMcHugh, P. (2005, March 17). Feeling down? It might help if you just take it outside.San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved from http://sfgate.comResearch or Technical Report from a Web SiteNAACP. (n.d.). Juvenile justice fact sheet. Retrieved December 11, 2007, from (2007, November 29). FBI Improperly Using Patriot Act SurveillancePowers, ACLU Charges. Retrieved from from Web Site or E-journalTakase, A. (2007). Japanese high school students' motivation for extensive L2 reading.Reading in a Foreigh Language, 19(1), 1-18. RetrievedSeptember 24, 2007, from BroadcastCrystal, L. (Executive Producer). (1993, October 11). The MacNeil/Lehrer news hour.[Television broadcast]. New York and Washington, DC: Public Broadcasting Service.Electronic Book from Web SiteNote: Use "Available from" to indicated that the URL will lead users to a download site rather than directly to the data.O'Keefe, E. (n.d). Egoism & the crisis in Western values. Available from Book from DatabaseGates, J.M. (1999). Consider the Earth: Environmental activities for grades 4-8.Retrieved from NetLibrary database.WikiPsychometric assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2007, from The PsychologyWiki: setNote: Use "Available from" to indicated that the URL will lead users to a download site rather than directly to the data.Pew Hispanic Center. (2004). Changing channels and criss-crosing cultures: A survey ofLatinos on the news media [Data file and code book]. Available from PewHispanic Center Web site: postbfy. (2007, January 22). Re: The unfortunate prerequisites and consequences of partitioning yourmind. Message posted to podcastNote: Identify as much information as possible, either date, title or identifier.Van Nuys, D. (Producer). (2006, October 13). Understanding autism [Show 54].Shrink Rap Radio. Podcast retreived from to top of the page MORE HELPCan't find the right rule? If you do not find a rule in this guide to fit the specific citation situation you are working on, you need to consult the 5th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Copies are available at all dictionary stands on all four floors in the Library, in Reference (BF 76.7 P83 2001), and in the Reserve Book Room for a 2 hour check out period. Reference citations rules are in Chapter Four.It is impossible to have an example for every type of source available. If you are unable to find the perfect example, remember, that the purpose of listing references is to allow readers to retrieve and use your sources. Find the closest example; and put as much information as you think necessary in your citiation to ensure that the source can be retrieved in the future.Students may also seek assistance with papers for any class in any department, or for preparation for writing exams at the CSUS Writing Center. The Writing Center is located in Room 128 of Calaveras Hall.Also consider taking one of the drop in classes in the Library. Classes are held through-out the year. Check at the Reference Desk (2North) for a schedule of workshops or on the Library Instruction web pageExamples are also available from the web sites listed below.Return to top of the page WEB SITESAPA Style (Diana Hacker) Style - Electronic References Style for Electronic Sources/Trinity University Sources/Trinity University at Purdue/APA Format Styles - APA Net Sources (Ohio State) Asked Questions about APA Style to top of the page PDF VERSION OF APA STYLE GUIDEA PDF Version of the APA Style Guide is also available.Return to top of the page A Sacramento State Library Research Guide compiled by Leilani Hall, Science Reference Librarian; Leilani@csus.eduLast updated 6/09

How many words that has ant in it?

3-letter wordsant4-letter wordsanta, ante, anti, ants, cant, hant, pant, rant, want5-letter wordsalant, antae, antas, anted, antes, antic, antis, antra, antre, antsy, banty, brant, canto, cants, canty, chant, giant, grant, hants, janty, leant, manta, meant, panto, pants, panty, plant, quant, rants, riant, scant, slant, tanto, wants6-letter wordsalants, anteed, anthem, anther, antiar, antick, antics, anting, antler, antral, antres, antrum, arrant, askant, aslant, bantam, banter, bezant, brants, byzant, canted, canter, canthi, cantic, cantle, canton, cantor, cantos, cantus, chants, chanty, decant, dopant, eluant, errant, extant, fantod, fantom, gantry, gelant, giants, grants, hanted, hantle, incant, infant, jurant, kantar, levant, mantas, mantel, mantes, mantic, mantid, mantis, mantle, mantra, mantua, mutant, natant, nutant, octant, panted, pantie, pantos, pantry, pedant, plants, pliant, quanta, quants, ranted, ranter, recant, santir, santol, santur, savant, scants, scanty, secant, sejant, shanti, shanty, slants, slanty, sonant, tantra, tenant, truant, tyrant, vacant, volant, wanted, wanter, wanton, yantra7-letter wordsabeyant, acanthi, adamant, affiant, andante, antacid, antefix, anteing, antenna, anthems, anthers, anthill, anthoid, anthrax, antiars, antibug, anticar, anticks, anticly, antifat, antigay, antigen, antigun, antijam, antilog, antiman, antings, antipot, antique, antired, antisag, antisex, antitax, antiwar, antlers, antlike, antlion, antonym, antrums, antsier, bantams, banters, banties, bezants, bezzant, blatant, brisant, buoyant, byzants, callant, cantala, cantata, cantdog, canteen, canters, canthal, canthus, cantina, canting, cantles, cantons, cantors, cantrap, cantrip, chanted, chanter, chantey, chantor, chantry, clamant, coolant, coranto, courant, currant, decants, defiant, descant, deviant, discant, distant, dopants, dormant, elegant, eluants, enchant, entrant, errants, etchant, explant, fantail, fantasm, fantast, fantasy, fantods, fantoms, fondant, formant, frantic, gallant, gantlet, gardant, gelants, gellant, granted, grantee, granter, grantor, hanting, hantles, hydrant, implant, incants, infanta, infante, infants, instant, intrant, issuant, iterant, jessant, jurants, kantars, kantele, lantana, lantern, levants, manteau, mantels, mantids, mantled, mantles, mantlet, mantrap, mantras, mantric, mantuas, maranta, mediant, migrant, mordant, mutants, octants, odorant, operant, oxidant, pageant, panther, panties, pantile, panting, pantoum, passant, peasant, peccant, pedants, pendant, pennant, phantom, piquant, pissant, plantar, planted, planter, pulsant, quantal, quanted, quantic, quantum, radiant, rampant, ranters, ranting, reboant, recants, regnant, regrant, reliant, remnant, replant, reptant, riantly, saltant, santimi, santims, santirs, santols, santour, santurs, savants, scanted, scanter, scantly, sealant, seawant, secants, sejeant, servant, sextant, shantey, shantih, shantis, slanted, sonants, spirant, statant, tantara, tantivy, tantras, tantric, tantrum, tenants, titrant, truants, tyrants, ululant, unmeant, vagrant, valiant, vantage, variant, verdant, versant, vibrant, volante, wantage, wanters, wanting, wantons, warrant, xanthan, xanthic, xanthin, yantras8-letter wordsaberrant, abradant, absonant, abundant, acanthus, accusant, adamants, adjutant, adjuvant, affiants, aliquant, alterant, amaranth, ambulant, amiantus, andantes, antacids, antalgic, anteater, antecede, antedate, antefixa, antelope, antennae, antennal, antennas, antepast, anterior, anteroom, antetype, antevert, anthelia, anthelix, anthemed, anthemia, antheral, antherid, antheses, anthesis, anthills, anthodia, antiarin, antiatom, antibias, antibody, antiboss, anticity, anticked, anticold, anticult, antidora, antidote, antifoam, antigene, antigens, antihero, antiking, antileak, antileft, antilife, antilogs, antilogy, antimale, antimask, antimere, antimony, antinode, antinomy, antinuke, antiphon, antipill, antipode, antipole, antipope, antipyic, antiqued, antiquer, antiques, antirape, antiriot, antiroll, antirust, antisera, antiship, antiskid, antislip, antismog, antismut, antisnob, antistat, antitank, antitype, antiwear, antiweed, antlered, antlions, antonyms, antonymy, antrorse, antsiest, arrantly, arrogant, ashplant, aspirant, assonant, atlantes, bacchant, bantered, banterer, bantling, bezzants, bouffant, brantail, callants, cantalas, cantatas, cantdogs, canteens, cantered, canticle, cantinas, cantonal, cantoned, cantraip, cantraps, cantrips, chantage, chanters, chanteys, chanties, chanting, chantors, cilantro, claimant, colorant, constant, coolants, corantos, corybant, cosecant, cotenant, couchant, courante, couranto, courants, covenant, currants, debutant, decanted, decanter, descants, deviants, diamante, dianthus, dilatant, discants, displant, dominant, eggplant, elephant, emigrant, enchants, entrants, equitant, errantly, errantry, etchants, evacuant, exanthem, excitant, exhalant, explants, exsecant, exultant, faineant, fantails, fantasia, fantasie, fantasms, fantasts, figurant, flagrant, flippant, fondants, formants, fragrant, fumigant, galavant, galivant, gallants, gantlets, gantline, gantlope, gantries, gellants, giantess, giantism, gigantic, grantees, granters, granting, grantors, grievant, guaranty, guardant, habitant, hesitant, hydranth, hydrants, ignorant, implants, incanted, incitant, indicant, inerrant, infantas, infantes, infantry, inhalant, instants, insulant, insurant, intrants, inundant, irritant, jubilant, kanteles, lantanas, lanterns, lanthorn, levanted, levanter, libelant, litigant, manteaus, manteaux, mantelet, mantilla, mantises, mantissa, mantlets, mantling, mantraps, marantas, meantime, mediants, merchant, migrants, militant, misplant, mordants, natantly, nauseant, obeisant, occupant, octantal, odorants, operants, oppilant, oscitant, osculant, oxidants, pageants, pantheon, panthers, pantiled, pantiles, pantofle, pantoums, pantries, pantsuit, parlante, peasants, pedantic, pedantry, penchant, pendants, pennants, perianth, permeant, petulant, phantasm, phantast, phantasy, phantoms, pheasant, pieplant, pissants, plantain, planters, planting, plantlet, pleasant, pliantly, poignant, pregnant, preplant, puissant, pursuant, quadrant, quantics, quantify, quantile, quanting, quantity, quantize, quantong, radiants, reactant, recanted, recanter, recreant, recusant, regrants, relaxant, relevant, remnants, replants, resonant, retirant, revenant, roborant, romantic, ruminant, rutilant, santalic, santalol, santonin, santours, saturant, scantest, scantier, scanties, scantily, scanting, sealants, seawants, secantly, semantic, sergeant, serjeant, servants, setenant, sextants, shanteys, shanties, shantihs, shantung, sibilant, simulant, slanting, sonantal, sonantic, sonorant, sovranty, spirants, stagnant, supplant, tantalic, tantalum, tantalus, tantaras, tantrums, tarantas, tenanted, tenantry, titrants, tolerant, toxicant, truanted, truantry, undulant, unpliant, unwanted, urticant, vacantly, vagrants, valiants, vantages, variants, vegetant, versants, vesicant, vibrants, vigilant, visitant, volitant, wantages, wantoned, wantoner, wantonly, warrants, warranty, waxplant, xanthans, xanthate, xanthein, xanthene, xanthine, xanthins, xanthoma, xanthone, xanthous9-letter wordsaberrants, abradants, absorbant, acceptant, accordant, accusants, adamantly, adjutants, adjuvants, advantage, ailanthus, allantoic, allantoin, allantois, allegiant, alterants, amaranths, andantino, annuitant, antalgics, antarctic, anteaters, anteceded, antecedes, antechoir, antedated, antedates, antefixae, antefixes, antelopes, antenatal, antennule, antepasts, anterooms, antetypes, anteverts, anthelion, antheming, anthemion, antherids, anthocyan, anthodium, anthology, anthozoan, anthraces, anthropic, anthurium, antiaging, antialien, antiarins, antiatoms, antiauxin, antiblack, antically, anticking, anticline, anticling, anticodon, anticrack, anticrime, antidotal, antidoted, antidotes, antidraft, antielite, antifraud, antigenes, antigenic, antiglare, antihuman, antikings, antiknock, antilabor, antimacho, antimasks, antimeres, antimycin, antinodal, antinodes, antinoise, antinomic, antinovel, antipapal, antiparty, antipasti, antipasto, antipathy, antiphons, antiphony, antipodal, antipodes, antipoles, antipopes, antipress, antipyics, antiquark, antiquary, antiquate, antiquers, antiquing, antiquity, antiradar, antirusts, antisense, antiserum, antishark, antishock, antisleep, antismoke, antisolar, antistate, antistick, antistory, antitheft, antitoxic, antitoxin, antitrust, antitumor, antitypes, antiulcer, antiunion, antiurban, antivenin, antiviral, antivirus, antiwhite, antiwoman, antonymic, appellant, appendant, applicant, arrestant, ascendant, ashplants, aspirants, assailant, assistant, assonants, attendant, bacchante, bacchants, banterers, bantering, bantlings, benignant, blatantly, bouffants, brantails, brilliant, buoyantly, byzantine, cantabile, cantaloup, cantering, cantharis, canticles, cantilena, cantoning, cantorial, cantraips, celebrant, chantages, chanteuse, chantries, chatoyant, cilantros, claimants, clamantly, clinquant, coagulant, cognizant, colorants, combatant, compliant, confidant, conjugant, consonant, constants, corantoes, cormorant, corposant, coruscant, corybants, cosecants, cotenants, courantes, courantos, covariant, covenants, crepitant, croissant, culminant, debutante, debutants, decanters, decanting, declarant, defendant, defiantly, defoliant, demandant, demantoid, deodorant, dependant, descanted, desiccant, diamantes, dilatants, discanted, dismantle, displants, disputant, dissonant, distantly, dominants, eggplants, eglantine, elegantly, elephants, emigrants, enchanted, enchanter, evacuants, examinant, exanthema, exanthems, excitants, executant, exhalants, expectant, explanted, exsecants, exuberant, fabricant, faineants, fantasias, fantasied, fantasies, fantasise, fantasist, fantasize, fantastic, figurants, fluctuant, fulgurant, fulminant, fumigants, galantine, galavants, galivants, gallanted, gallantly, gallantry, gallivant, gantelope, gantleted, gantlines, gantlopes, geomantic, giantisms, giantlike, gigantism, grantable, grantsman, grantsmen, grievants, guarantee, guarantor, guardants, habitants, humectant, hydranths, hypanthia, immigrant, implanted, implanter, important, incanting, incessant, incitants, indicants, indignant, inebriant, inelegant, infantile, infantine, infestant, informant, inhalants, injectant, inoculant, instanter, instantly, insulants, insurants, intendant, intrigant, invariant, irritants, itinerant, lanthanum, lanthorns, leadplant, levanters, levanting, libelants, libellant, litigants, lubricant, luxuriant, malignant, mantelets, manticore, mantillas, mantissas, mantlings, meantimes, mendicant, merchants, militants, miscreant, mishanter, misplants, mordanted, mordantly, nauseants, negotiant, nonextant, nonmutant, nurturant, obscurant, observant, occupants, officiant, operantly, overplant, pageantry, palpitant, pantalets, pantalone, pantaloon, pantdress, pantheism, pantheist, pantheons, pantofles, pantomime, pantropic, pantryman, pantrymen, pantsuits, peasantry, peccantly, penchants, penetrant, perianths, phantasma, phantasms, phantasts, pheasants, pieplants, piquantly, plantable, plantains, plantings, plantlets, plantlike, plantsman, plantsmen, pollutant, polyantha, polyanthi, postulant, procreant, pustulant, quadrants, quantiles, quantized, quantizer, quantizes, quantongs, radiantly, rampantly, rantingly, reactants, recanters, recanting, recreants, recusants, reductant, redundant, reentrant, regardant, regranted, reimplant, relaxants, reliantly, reluctant, repellant, repentant, replanted, repugnant, resistant, resonants, resultant, retardant, retirants, revenants, revertant, roborants, romantics, ruminants, santalols, santolina, santonins, saturants, scantiest, scantling, scantness, segregant, semantics, sergeants, sergeanty, serjeants, serjeanty, setenants, shantungs, shantyman, shantymen, sibilants, simulants, slantways, slantwise, sonorants, sterilant, stimulant, subtenant, supplants, suppliant, susurrant, sycophant, tantalate, tantalise, tantalite, tantalize, tantalums, tantivies, tarantism, tarantula, tenanting, termagant, toxicants, tremulant, trenchant, trepidant, truanting, ungallant, urticants, vagrantly, valiantly, verdantly, vesicants, vibrantly, vicariant, vigilante, visitants, wantoners, wantoning, warranted, warrantee, warranter, warrantor, waxplants, xanthates, xantheins, xanthenes, xanthines, xanthomas, xanthones10-letter wordsaberrantly, absorbants, abundantly, acanthuses, accelerant, accountant, adamantine, adulterant, advantaged, advantages, agapanthus, allantoins, amantadine, amiantuses, andantinos, annuitants, antagonism, antagonist, antagonize, antebellum, antecedent, anteceding, antecessor, antechapel, antechoirs, antedating, antemortem, antennular, antennules, antependia, antepenult, anteriorly, anteverted, anthelices, anthelions, anthelixes, antheridia, anthocyans, anthozoans, anthracene, anthracite, anthropoid, anthuriums, antianemia, antiasthma, antiauxins, antibioses, antibiosis, antibiotic, antibodies, antibusing, anticaking, anticancer, anticaries, antichurch, anticipant, anticipate, anticlimax, anticlinal, anticlines, anticodons, antidoting, antidromic, antiemetic, antierotic, antifamily, antifemale, antifreeze, antifungal, antigrowth, antiheroes, antiheroic, antiherpes, antihijack, antihunter, antiknocks, antilitter, antilogies, antimarket, antimatter, antimerger, antimodern, antimonial, antimonide, antimonies, antimycins, antinature, antinausea, antinomian, antinomies, antinovels, antiphonal, antipiracy, antiplague, antiplaque, antipodals, antipodean, antipoetic, antipolice, antiproton, antipyrine, antiquarks, antiquated, antiquates, antirabies, antiracism, antiracist, antireform, antisepses, antisepsis, antiseptic, antiserums, antisexist, antisexual, antismoker, antisocial, antistatic, antistress, antistrike, antitheses, antithesis, antithetic, antitoxins, antitrades, antivenins, antonymies, antonymous, appellants, appendants, applicants, arrestants, arrogantly, ascendants, assailants, assistants, assonantal, attendants, attractant, bacchantes, brigantine, brilliants, cantaloupe, cantaloups, cantatrice, cantatrici, cantilenas, cantilever, cantillate, cantonment, celebrants, chanteuses, chatoyants, clinquants, coagulants, codominant, coelacanth, cohabitant, combatants, commandant, concordant, confidante, confidants, congregant, conjugants, consonants, constantan, constantly, consultant, contestant, continuant, conversant, convulsant, cormorants, corposants, corybantes, corybantic, courantoes, covenantal, covenanted, covenantee, covenanter, covenantor, croissants, debutantes, declarants, defendants, defoliants, demandants, demantoids, denaturant, deodorants, dependants, depressant, descanting, descendant, desiccants, detoxicant, dianthuses, dilettante, dilettanti, discanting, discordant, discrepant, discussant, disenchant, dismantled, dismantles, dispersant, displanted, disputants, dominantly, eglantines, enantiomer, enchanters, enchanting, errantries, euphoriant, examinants, exanthemas, executants, exorbitant, expectants, explanting, exultantly, fabricants, fantasised, fantasises, fantasists, fantasized, fantasizer, fantasizes, fantastico, fantastics, fantasying, fantoccini, flagellant, flagrantly, flamboyant, flippantly, flocculant, fragrantly, galantines, galavanted, galivanted, gallanting, gallivants, gantelopes, gantleting, gargantuan, giantesses, gigantisms, guaranteed, guarantees, guarantied, guaranties, guarantors, hamantasch, hesitantly, hierophant, houseplant, humectants, hypanthium, ignorantly, illuminant, immigrants, implanters, implanting, impregnant, impuissant, incogitant, inconstant, inebriants, infantries, infestants, informants, inhabitant, injectants, inoculants, insouciant, intendants, interplant, intolerant, intoxicant, intrigants, intriguant, invariants, irrelevant, isoantigen, itinerants, jubilantly, lanthanide, lanthanums, leadplants, libellants, lieutenant, lubricants, manservant, manticores, mendicants, mercantile, merchanted, militantly, ministrant, miscreants, mishanters, misplanted, mordanting, multiplant, negotiants, nonchalant, nondeviant, nondormant, nonmigrant, nonmutants, obeisantly, obscurants, observants, officiants, overmantel, overplants, pantalones, pantaloons, pantheisms, pantheists, pantograph, pantomimed, pantomimes, pantomimic, pantsuited, pantywaist, pedantries, penetrants, petulantly, phantasied, phantasies, phantasmal, phantasmic, plainchant, plantation, pleasanter, pleasantly, pleasantry, pliantness, poignantly, pollutants, polyanthas, polyanthus, postulants, pregnantly, propellant, protectant, protestant, pursuivant, pustulants, pyracantha, quadrantal, quadrantes, quantified, quantifier, quantifies, quantitate, quantities, quantizers, quantizing, quarantine, reductants, reentrants, registrant, regranting, reimplants, relevantly, repellants, replanting, resemblant, resistants, resonantly, restaurant, resultants, retardants, retreatant, revertants, ruminantly, santolinas, scantiness, scantlings, segregants, semantical, shantytown, sibilantly, slantingly, solicitant, sovranties, stagnantly, sterilants, stimulants, submediant, subtenants, supergiant, supplanted, supplanter, suppliants, supplicant, surfactant, sweatpants, sycophants, tantalates, tantalised, tantalises, tantalites, tantalized, tantalizer, tantalizes, tantaluses, tantamount, tarantases, tarantella, tarantisms, tarantulae, tarantulas, tenantable, tenantless, tenantries, termagants, tolerantly, topgallant, tragacanth, transplant, triumphant, trochanter, truantries, unarrogant, underpants, unpedantic, unpleasant, unpregnant, unromantic, untenanted, vacantness, vicariants, vigilantes, vigilantly, vociferant, wantonness, warrantees, warranters, warranties, warranting, warrantors, xanthomata11-letter wordsaccelerants, accordantly, accountants, adulterants, advantaging, ailanthuses, allantoides, alloantigen, amantadines, amaranthine, antagonisms, antagonists, antagonized, antagonizes, antecedence, antecedents, antecessors, antechamber, antechapels, antenatally, antenuptial, antependium, antepenults, anteverting, antheridial, antheridium, anthocyanin, anthologies, anthologist, anthologize, anthracenes, anthracites, anthracitic, anthracnose, anthropical, anthropoids, antialcohol, antianxiety, antibiotics, antiboycott, antiburglar, anticipants, anticipated, anticipates, anticipator, anticruelty, anticyclone, antidotally, antidumping, antielitism, antielitist, antiemetics, antifascism, antifascist, antifashion, antifatigue, antifoaming, antifogging, antiforeign, antifouling, antifreezes, antifungals, antigravity, antiheroine, antihunting, antijamming, antileprosy, antiliberal, antilogical, antimalaria, antimatters, antimissile, antimitotic, antimoderns, antimonials, antimonides, antimusical, antinatural, antinatures, antineutron, antinomians, antinuclear, antinucleon, antiobesity, antioxidant, antiozonant, antipathies, antiphonals, antiphonary, antiphonies, antiphrases, antiphrasis, antiplagues, antipodeans, antipopular, antipoverty, antiprotons, antipyretic, antipyrines, antiquarian, antiquaries, antiquating, antiquation, antiquities, antiracisms, antiracists, antiradical, antirealism, antirealist, antirrhinum, antiscience, antisecrecy, antiseizure, antiseptics, antisexists, antislavery, antismokers, antismoking, antistories, antistrophe, antistudent, antisubsidy, antisuicide, antitarnish, antithyroid, antitobacco, antitruster, antitumoral, antitussive, antityphoid, antivitamin, antiwelfare, antiwhaling, antiwrinkle, antonomasia, appurtenant, ascendantly, attractants, banteringly, benignantly, brigantines, brilliantly, cantaloupes, cantatrices, cantharides, cantharidin, cantilevers, cantillated, cantillates, cantonments, chanterelle, chanticleer, clairvoyant, codefendant, codominants, coelacanths, cohabitants, commandants, communicant, complainant, complaisant, compliantly, concomitant, confidantes, conflagrant, congregants, consonantal, consonantly, constantans, consultants, contaminant, contestants, continuants, convulsants, corroborant, covenantees, covenanters, covenanting, covenantors, decantation, denaturants, depressants, descendants, determinant, detoxicants, dilettantes, discussants, disenchants, dismantling, dispersants, displanting, disquantity, dissonantly, distantness, elephantine, enantiomers, enchantment, enchantress, equidistant, equilibrant, euphoriants, exanthemata, expectantly, expectorant, extravagant, exuberantly, fantabulous, fantasising, fantasizers, fantasizing, fantastical, fantasyland, flagellants, flamboyants, flocculants, frantically, franticness, fucoxanthin, galavanting, galivanting, gallantries, gallivanted, geanticline, gesticulant, gigantesque, guarantying, hierophants, houseplants, illuminants, implantable, importantly, impregnants, incantation, incantatory, incessantly, incognizant, incompliant, inconsonant, indignantly, inelegantly, infanticide, infantilism, infantility, infantilize, infantryman, infantrymen, inhabitants, inobservant, instantiate, instantness, interactant, interplants, intoxicants, intriguants, isoantibody, isoantigens, itinerantly, lanthanides, lieutenants, luxuriantly, lycanthropy, maidservant, malignantly, manifestant, mantelpiece, mantelshelf, matriculant, menservants, merchanting, merchantman, merchantmen, ministrants, misanthrope, misanthropy, misplanting, necromantic, nonconstant, nondeviants, nondominant, nonirritant, nonmigrants, nonmilitant, nonpregnant, nonrelevant, nonresonant, nonruminant, obscurantic, observantly, overmantels, overplanted, pageantries, pantalettes, pantdresses, pantheistic, pantographs, pantomiming, pantomimist, pantropical, pantywaists, participant, peasantries, phantasmata, phantasying, phantomlike, piquantness, plainchants, plantations, plantigrade, plantocracy, pleasantest, pococurante, portmanteau, precipitant, predominant, preplanting, preromantic, propellants, protectants, protestants, protuberant, pursuivants, pyracanthas, quantifiers, quantifying, quantitated, quantitates, quarantined, quarantines, recantation, recombinant, redundantly, refrigerant, registrants, reimplanted, reluctantly, remonstrant, repentantly, repugnantly, restaurants, resultantly, retreatants, reverberant, romanticise, romanticism, romanticist, romanticize, scantnesses, scintillant, semanticist, sergeanties, serjeanties, servanthood, servantless, shantytowns, significant, solicitants, subdominant, submediants, substantial, substantive, supergiants, supernatant, supplanters, supplanting, suppliantly, supplicants, suppressant, surfactants, surveillant, sycophantic, sycophantly, tantalising, tantalizers, tantalizing, tarantellas, topgallants, tragacanths, transhumant, transplants, trenchantly, trochanters, unbrilliant, undertenant, unenchanted, ungallantly, unimportant, unreluctant, unrepentant, unresistant, unwarranted, valiantness, vigilantism, warrantable, warrantably, warrantless, xanthophyll, zoantharian12-letter wordsadministrant, advantageous, agapanthuses, alloantibody, alloantigens, antagonistic, antagonizing, antecedences, antecedently, antechambers, antediluvian, antependiums, anthelmintic, anthocyanins, anthological, anthologists, anthologized, anthologizer, anthologizes, anthophilous, anthracnoses, anthranilate, anthropology, antiabortion, antiacademic, antiaircraft, antibacklash, antiblackism, antiboycotts, antiburglary, antibusiness, anticipating, anticipation, anticipators, anticipatory, anticlerical, anticlimaxes, anticlotting, anticolonial, anticonsumer, anticreative, anticultural, anticyclones, anticyclonic, antidandruff, antidiabetic, antidilution, antidogmatic, antieconomic, antielectron, antielitisms, antielitists, antientropic, antiepilepsy, antiestrogen, antifascisms, antifascists, antifashions, antifeminine, antifeminism, antifeminist, antifriction, antigambling, antigenicity, antiglobulin, antiheroines, antihumanism, antihuntings, antihysteric, antikickback, antileukemic, antiliberals, antiliterate, antilynching, antimacassar, antimagnetic, antimalarial, antimilitary, antimissiles, antimitotics, antimonopoly, antimosquito, antinational, antinepotism, antineutrino, antineutrons, antinovelist, antinucleons, antioxidants, antiozonants, antiparallel, antiparticle, antipathetic, antiphonally, antipiracies, antipleasure, antipoaching, antipolitics, antipredator, antipruritic, antipyretics, antiquarians, antiquations, antirachitic, antirational, antirealisms, antirealists, antireligion, antiromantic, antiroyalist, antirrhinums, antisciences, antisocially, antispending, antistrophes, antistrophic, antitakeover, antithetical, antithrombin, antitrusters, antitussives, antiviolence, antivitamins, antonomasias, appurtenants, autoantibody, bantamweight, bipropellant, brilliantine, cantankerous, cantharidins, cantilevered, cantillating, cantillation, chanterelles, chanticleers, clairvoyants, codefendants, communicants, complainants, concelebrant, concomitants, concordantly, contaminants, cosurfactant, decantations, decongestant, determinants, dilettantish, dilettantism, disadvantage, discordantly, discrepantly, discriminant, disenchanted, disenchanter, disinfectant, disinfestant, enantiomeric, enantiomorph, enchantingly, enchantments, equilibrants, exanthematic, exorbitantly, expectorants, explantation, fantasticate, fantasticoes, fantasylands, flamboyantly, fucoxanthins, gallivanting, geanticlines, gigantically, guaranteeing, hamantaschen, hierophantic, hypoxanthine, ignorantness, implantation, incantations, inconstantly, infanticidal, infanticides, infantilisms, infantilized, infantilizes, insouciantly, instantiated, instantiates, interactants, interplanted, intolerantly, irrelevantly, isoantigenic, maidservants, manifestants, mantelpieces, matriculants, mercantilism, mercantilist, merchantable, militantness, misanthropes, misanthropic, misdemeanant, nonantigenic, nonchalantly, noncombatant, nonconstants, nondominants, nonimmigrant, nonmalignant, nonmilitants, nonobservant, nonredundant, nonresistant, nonruminants, obscurantism, obscurantist, overabundant, overdominant, overplanting, pantechnicon, pantisocracy, pantographic, pantomimists, pantothenate, participants, pedantically, phenanthrene, philanthropy, plantigrades, pleasantness, pleasantries, pliantnesses, polyanthuses, portmanteaus, portmanteaux, postromantic, precipitants, premalignant, preponderant, quantifiable, quantitating, quantitation, quantitative, quantization, quarantining, recalcitrant, recantations, recombinants, refrigerants, rehabilitant, reimplanting, remonstrants, replantation, romantically, romanticised, romanticises, romanticisms, romanticists, romanticized, romanticizes, scantinesses, semantically, semanticists, semidominant, servanthoods, somnambulant, strophanthin, subantarctic, subdebutante, subdominants, substantials, substantiate, substantival, substantives, supernatants, suppressants, surveillants, sycophantish, sycophantism, tradescantia, transductant, transhumants, transplanted, transplanter, triumphantly, trochanteral, trochanteric, ultradistant, uncovenanted, undertenants, unflamboyant, unpleasantly, vacantnesses, vigilantisms, wantonnesses, xanthophylls, zoantharians, zooxanthella13-letter wordsadministrants, antediluvians, antepenultima, anthelmintics, anthologizers, anthologizing, anthophyllite, anthranilates, anthraquinone, anthropogenic, anthropometry, anthropomorph, anthropophagi, anthropophagy, anthroposophy, antiacademics, antiaircrafts, antiapartheid, antiarthritic, antiarthritis, antiauthority, antibacterial, antibillboard, antiblackisms, antibourgeois, anticellulite, anticigarette, anticipatable, anticipations, anticlassical, anticlericals, anticlimactic, anticlockwise, anticoagulant, anticollision, anticommunism, anticommunist, anticonsumers, anticorporate, anticorrosion, anticorrosive, antidesiccant, antidiabetics, antidiarrheal, antielectrons, antiepileptic, antiestrogens, antievolution, antifeminisms, antifeminists, antifertility, antiforeigner, antiformalist, antifrictions, antigenically, antiglobulins, antigravities, antiguerrilla, antihistamine, antihumanisms, antihysterics, antiliterates, antilittering, antilogarithm, antimacassars, antimalarials, antimarijuana, antimechanist, antimetabolic, antimicrobial, antimodernist, antinarrative, antinepotisms, antineutrinos, antinomianism, antinovelists, antiobesities, antiobscenity, antiparasitic, antiparticles, antipersonnel, antipesticide, antiphonaries, antipleasures, antipolitical, antipollution, antipredators, antipsychotic, antirecession, antirejection, antireligious, antirheumatic, antiritualism, antiromantics, antiroyalists, antisatellite, antiscorbutic, antisexuality, antislaveries, antismuggling, antisocialist, antispasmodic, antisubmarine, antisymmetric, antitakeovers, antiterrorism, antiterrorist, antithrombins, assistantship, bantamweights, bipropellants, brilliantines, canthaxanthin, cantilevering, cantillations, chrysanthemum, clairvoyantly, complaisantly, concelebrants, concomitantly, cosurfactants, decongestants, determinantal, dilettantisms, disadvantaged, disadvantages, discriminants, disenchanters, disenchanting, disinfectants, disinfestants, dismantlement, disquantitied, disquantities, distantnesses, elephantiases, elephantiasis, enantiomorphs, enchantresses, equidistantly, equiponderant, exanthematous, explantations, extravagantly, fantastically, fantasticated, fantasticates, flagellantism, franticnesses, grantsmanship, hyperromantic, hypervigilant, hypoxanthines, implantations, incantational, infantilities, infantilizing, insignificant, instantaneity, instantaneous, instantiating, instantiation, instantnesses, insubstantial, interplanting, intransigeant, introgressant, isoantibodies, lycanthropies, mantelshelves, mercantilisms, mercantilists, misanthropies, misdemeanants, nonantibiotic, noncombatants, nonimmigrants, nonintoxicant, nonresistants, obscurantisms, obscurantists, overexuberant, pantechnicons, pantheistical, pantisocratic, pantothenates, phenanthrenes, philanthropic, piquantnesses, plantocracies, pococurantism, postdebutante, precipitantly, predominantly, protuberantly, quantitations, quantizations, recalcitrants, rehabilitants, remonstrantly, replantations, restauranteur, reverberantly, rhadamanthine, romanticising, romanticizing, scintillantly, significantly, strophanthins, subdebutantes, sublieutenant, substantially, substantiated, substantiates, substantively, substantivize, superabundant, supermilitant, superromantic, supplantation, sycophantisms, tantalizingly, tradescantias, transatlantic, transductants, transplanters, transplanting, ultramilitant, ultraromantic, unanticipated, unrepentantly, unsubstantial, unwarrantable, unwarrantably, valiantnesses, zooxanthellae14-letter wordsaccountantship, advantageously, alloantibodies, antepenultimas, anthophyllites, anthraquinones, anthropologies, anthropologist, anthropometric, anthropomorphs, anthropophagus, antiaggression, antialcoholism, antiallergenic, antiapartheids, antiarrhythmic, antiarthritics, antibacterials, antibiotically, anticapitalism, anticapitalist, anticarcinogen, anticensorship, anticoagulants, anticommercial, anticommunisms, anticommunists, anticonvulsant, anticonvulsive, anticorruption, antidefamation, antidemocratic, antidepressant, antidepression, antiderivative, antidesiccants, antidromically, antiepileptics, antifilibuster, antiformalists, antigenicities, antigovernment, antiguerrillas, antihistamines, antihistaminic, antihistorical, antihomosexual, antihumanistic, antiliberalism, antilogarithms, antimanagement, antimechanists, antimetabolics, antimetabolite, antimicrobials, antimilitarism, antimilitarist, antimodernists, antimonarchist, antimonopolist, antineoplastic, antinomianisms, antiperspirant, antiphlogistic, antipollutions, antipsychotics, antiquarianism, antiradicalism, antirecessions, antireflection, antireflective, antiregulatory, antirheumatics, antiritualisms, antiscientific, antiscorbutics, antiseparatist, antiseptically, antisocialists, antispasmodics, antisubversion, antisubversive, antisyphilitic, antitechnology, antiterrorisms, antiterrorists, antithetically, antitubercular, antiuniversity, assistantships, autoantibodies, benzanthracene, cantankerously, canthaxanthins, chrysanthemums, circumstantial, consubstantial, consultantship, cryoprotectant, disadvantaging, disenchantment, dismantlements, disquantitying, enantiomorphic, fantasticality, fantasticating, fantastication, flagellantisms, grantsmanships, homotransplant, ignorantnesses, instantiations, intolerantness, intransigeants, introgressants, mercantilistic, methylxanthine, militantnesses, monopropellant, nonantibiotics, nonparticipant, nonrecombinant, nonsignificant, pantisocracies, pantisocratist, phantasmagoria, phantasmagoric, philanthropies, philanthropist, philanthropoid, pithecanthropi, pleasantnesses, pococurantisms, postdebutantes, preconsonantal, preponderantly, pseudopregnant, quantification, quantitatively, reimplantation, restauranteurs, sublieutenants, substantiality, substantiating, substantiation, substantiative, substantivally, substantivized, substantivizes, supplantations, sycophantishly, transplantable, unpleasantness, unquantifiable, unromantically, unromanticized15-letter wordsacanthocephalan, accountantships, antepenultimate, anthropocentric, anthropological, anthropologists, anthropometries, anthropomorphic, anthropopathism, anthropophagies, anthropophagous, anthroposophies, antiabortionist, antialcoholisms, antiallergenics, antiaphrodisiac, anticapitalisms, anticapitalists, anticarcinogens, anticholesterol, anticholinergic, anticlericalism, anticlimactical, anticolonialism, anticolonialist, anticompetitive, anticonvulsants, anticonvulsives, anticorruptions, antidepressants, antidepressions, antiderivatives, antidevelopment, antieducational, antiegalitarian, antifashionable, antiferromagnet, antiforeclosure, antihistaminics, antiliberalisms, antilibertarian, antimanagements, antimaterialism, antimaterialist, antimetabolites, antimilitarisms, antimilitarists, antimonarchical, antimonarchists, antimonopolists, antinationalist, antiobscenities, antiperspirants, antipornography, antiprogressive, antiquarianisms, antiradicalisms, antirationalism, antirationalist, antirationality, antiromanticism, antisegregation, antisentimental, antiseparatists, antisexualities, antishoplifting, antispeculation, antispeculative, antisubversions, antisyphilitics, antitheoretical, antitraditional, antituberculous, antivivisection, benzanthracenes, chorioallantoic, chorioallantois, circumstantiate, consultantships, counterirritant, cryoprotectants, disadvantageous, disenchantingly, disenchantments, enantiomorphism, enantiomorphous, fantasticalness, fantastications, homotransplants, infantilization, insignificantly, instantaneities, instantaneously, intransigeantly, merchantability, methylxanthines, monopropellants, necromantically, nonantagonistic, nonparticipants, nonquantifiable, nonquantitative, nonrecombinants, overextravagant, pantheistically, pantisocratical, pantisocratists, phantasmagorias, philanthropical, philanthropists, philanthropoids, pithecanthropus, postconsonantal, precipitantness, preimplantation, quantifications, reimplantations, romanticization, substantialness, substantiations, substantiveness, substantivizing, superabundantly, sycophantically, transplantation, transubstantial, unanticipatedly, unsubstantially, unsubstantiated, warrantableness16-letter wordsacanthocephalans, advantageousness, antagonistically, antepenultimates, anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphist, anthropomorphize, anthropopathisms, antiabortionists, antiaphrodisiacs, antiaristocratic, antiassimilation, antibureaucratic, anticarcinogenic, anticholinergics, anticlericalisms, anticolonialisms, anticolonialists, anticonglomerate, anticonservation, anticonventional, antievolutionary, antievolutionism, antievolutionist, antiferromagnets, antiforeclosures, antihierarchical, antihumanitarian, antihypertensive, antilibertarians, antimaterialisms, antimaterialists, antimetaphysical, antinationalists, antiorganization, antipathetically, antipornographic, antiprofiteering, antiprostitution, antiracketeering, antirationalisms, antirationalists, antirecessionary, antireductionism, antireductionist, antiromanticisms, antisegregations, antispeculations, antistrophically, antitotalitarian, antituberculosis, antiunemployment, antiuniversities, antivivisections, cantankerousness, circumstantially, circumstantiated, circumstantiates, counterirritants, enantiomorphisms, fantasticalities, infantilizations, insubstantiality, intolerantnesses, mesembryanthemum, misanthropically, nonsignificantly, phantasmagorical, pithecanthropine, quantificational, quantitativeness, romanticizations, semiquantitative, substantialities, superromanticism, supersubstantial, transplantations, transubstantiate, unpleasantnesses, unsubstantiality17-letter wordsanthropocentrisms, anthropologically, anthropomorphisms, anthropomorphists, anthropomorphized, anthropomorphizes, antiassimilations, antiauthoritarian, anticlimactically, anticommercialism, anticonservations, antidesegregation, antiestablishment, antievolutionisms, antievolutionists, antiferromagnetic, antihumanitarians, antihypertensives, antimiscegenation, antiorganizations, antipornographies, antiprostitutions, antirationalities, antireductionisms, antireductionists, antirevolutionary, antischizophrenia, antischizophrenic, antitechnological, chorioallantoides, circumstantiality, circumstantiating, consubstantiation, diphenylhydantoin, disadvantagedness, disadvantageously, fantasticalnesses, immunosuppressant, instantaneousness, merchantabilities, mesembryanthemums, nonanthropologist, paleoanthropology, philanthropically, pithecanthropines, precipitantnesses, substantialnesses, substantivenesses, superromanticisms, transplantability, transubstantiated, transubstantiates, warrantablenesses18-letter wordsadvantageousnesses, anthropocentricity, anthropomorphizing, antiadministration, anticholinesterase, anticommercialisms, anticounterfeiting, antidiscrimination, antiferromagnetism, antischizophrenics, antivivisectionist, cantankerousnesses, consubstantiations, diphenylhydantoins, immunosuppressants, insubstantialities, methylcholanthrene, nonanthropological, nonanthropologists, quantificationally, quantitativenesses, semiquantitatively, transubstantiating, transubstantiation, unsubstantialities19-letter wordsanthropocentrically, anthropomorphically, antiadministrations, anticholinesterases, anticonservationist, antidesertification, antiferromagnetisms, antifluoridationist, antirevolutionaries, antivivisectionists, circumstantialities, disadvantagednesses, disadvantageousness, homotransplantation, instantaneousnesses, methylcholanthrenes, paleoanthropologies, paleoanthropologist, transplantabilities, transubstantiations20-letter wordsanthropocentricities, anthropomorphization, antiauthoritarianism, anticonservationists, antifluoridationists, homotransplantations, paleoanthropological, paleoanthropologists21-letter wordsanthropomorphizations, antiauthoritarianisms, antiferromagnetically, disadvantageousnesses3118 words found.