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I believe there are non for peer, because I've looked every where in thesauruses and the best online dictionary, but if you have more questions on words you can also go to or I believe. If you need help translating go to, last if you want to use their search engine go to =) hope this helped :-[).

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15y ago
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9y ago

The word peering can be used to mean become visible, crop up, emerge, open to view, peep out, peer out, or show partially. Some antonyms for the word peering include blinded, hidden, or anonymous.

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10y ago

"Peer" means someone who is your equal. The opposite in one direction might be "master" or "lord", while the opposite in the other direction might be "serf" or "slave".

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12y ago

they are inferior, and superior

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4y ago

someone above or below peers.

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Q: What is an antonym for the verb peer?
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Yes. It's the present participle of the verb "peer".

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The correct sentence with subject-verb agreement is: "Peer editing academic papers requires critical-thinking skills and diplomacy." In this sentence, the singular subject "peer editing" agrees with the singular verb "requires."

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