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A company that creates applications. Microsoft or Mozilla or Adobe are just some examples.

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Q: What is an application software provider?
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What is an example of an application service provider?

An Application Service Provider (ASP) manages and delivers software to individuals or companies who rent the use of a software application for a specified period of time. In other words, one rents the use of software from an owner and one accesses it via the internet.

What is the difference between a business service provider and an application service provider?

A business service provider offers services to a government or business entity. A landscape service or security guard service for an office building would be examples of a business service provider. An application service provider offers software solutions like credit card processing systems or human resource management software.

Is AOL a software application?

AOL has applications, such as their browser and email client. They are also an ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Is compiler a system software or application software?

It is a system software.

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What function application software?

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What software communicates with application software and the user?

Application programming interface software

What is the application of the software?

application software is actually a type of software used for some particular work on computer e.g.MS- office is an application software.

What is application software and list any two application software?

Application software is software designed for a specific purpose. One name of an application software is Netflix. Application software is also available for online banking services, games, reading, news, etc.

Cad is an application software?

yes cad is an application software.

Software that enables users to perform the types of activities and work computers were designed for is called?

Application Software

How would you describe application software?

A software which helps to run a application is called a application software. eg. Microsoft Office