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Q: What is an editorial story designed to be?
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What is an editorial essay?

Editorial can be used as a noun (an editorial) and an adjective (editorial techniques).

What is an advitorial?

An advertorial is an advertisement written in the form of an objective opinion editorial, and presented in a printed publication—usually designed to look like a legitimate and independent news story.

What is editorial fashion?

Pertaining to editorial fashion spreads in magazines, it is photo spreads that incorporate fashion and a story into full page photography.

Provides readers with facts about a story and avoids expressing opinions.?

An editorial

What provides readers with facts about a story and avoids expressing opinions?

An editorial

How do you get a story into the newspaper?

The first action - contact the editorial section of the paper, by email, letter or phone. If the editorial team think the story is worthy of reporting to the public - they will make the decision to follow up your information to get more detail.

When the editor of a newspaper choose to publish a story on the economy rather than a story on health care she is exercising?

Editorial discretion.

What function is exercised when a newspaper editor publishes a story on economy rather than a story on health care?

Editorial control.

Where can a leader be found in the newspaper?

A leader in a newspaper is typically found in the editorial section or on the opinion page. It is an article written by the editorial board or a columnist that expresses the newspaper's viewpoint or opinion on a particular topic or issue.

What happens after mr. Underwoods editorial?

After Mr. Underwood's editorial, there may be public outcry, political fallout, or changes in public opinion depending on the content and impact of the editorial. It can lead to various consequences such as investigations, legal actions, or further developments in the story.

Whats the meaning of advetorials?

an advetorial is an advertisement written in the form of an objective opinion editorial and presented in a printed publication,usually designed to look like a legitimate and independent news story. i.e advetorial= advertisement+editorial. advetorial commonly advertise new products or techniques such as new design for golf equipment or a new form of laser surgery. The tone is usually closer to that of press release than of an objective news story. advetorials can also be printed and presented as an entire newspaper section, inserted the same way within a newspaper as comic section and other non editorial content.

How do you use editorial in a sentence?

Editorial has at least two distinct meanings. 1. a written statement in a periodical which gives an opinion, rather than stating facts: The editorial told us that the editor did not think highly of the new proposal. 2. in fashion, it refers to a photograph that "tells a story" rather than sells a garment. The scarf photo with the camel was editorial, but the boxer ad helped sell out the garments.