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Q: What is an effective conclusion?
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What makes an effective argument?

sound premises + strong facts + strong conclusion = effective solid argument

What are the three factors that are essential to an effective process essay?

It needs to be convincing, interesting and have a great conclusion!

Can conclusion be in first centence?

I see no reason why the conclusion should not be in the first sentence. It would actually be an effective device if the conclusion was so interesting or controversial or startling that it made the reader want to know how you reached that conclusion. Then you would have to retrace your steps and explain how you reached the conclusion. It could be a refreshing way to write a paper.

What are the characteristics of conclusion?

An effective conclusion serves to summarize all the major themes introduced during the paper as well as referring directly back to the initial hypothesis. In the conclusion, the hypothesis should either be confirmed or refuted, based on the evidence presented in the paper.

How do you end a conclusion paragraph about the intolerable act?

The Intolerable acts were one of the most effective ways that we live today.

When does the conclusion of the Disciplinary Committee of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong become effective?

It usually immediately becomes effective for the sake of public interest. In other cases, it becomes effectively on the date specified which should be after the deadline for lodging an appeal. The date on which it becomes effective should be on or at most three months later that the date of the direction. If an appeal gets lodged, the date when the appeal finally gets determined is when the conclusion becomes effective.

What is the best conclusion about the traits of managers?

Some traits improve the chance of being effective, but their relative importance depends on the situation

Is the ending of the To kill a mockingbird is satisfying or effective?

Many readers find the ending of "To Kill a Mockingbird" to be satisfying and effective. The resolution ties up loose ends, delivers a powerful message about empathy and understanding, and leaves a lasting impact on the reader. Overall, the ending is seen as a fitting conclusion to the themes and conflicts presented throughout the novel.

Is there a difference between jumping to conclusion and drawing to conclusion?

"Jumping to a conclusion" is not knowing all the facts and forming a conclusion. Drawing a conclusion is learning all the facts to make a conclusion if it is correct or not.

Was the end of Tom Sawyer book effective or not?

The end of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is generally considered effective because it ties up loose ends and provides a satisfying resolution to the story's conflicts. The novel's conclusion showcases Tom's growth as a character and his maturity in navigating his adventures.

What is the conclusion on disaster management?

The conclusion on disaster management is that it is crucial for communities and governments to have effective plans and strategies in place to mitigate and respond to disasters. This includes preparedness measures, such as early warning systems and evacuation plans, as well as efficient response and recovery efforts after a disaster occurs. Collaboration and coordination among different stakeholders are also essential for successful disaster management.

What is the conclusion of wifi?

what is conclusion