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Any shape that is rounded at the edges resembling an oval but may appear slightly or largely asymmetrical would be considered an "Oblong Shape". A good example might be a Bowling pin, or the shape of a pear.

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12y ago

An ellipse.

All elipses fit the description, but many oval shapes are not ellipses, mathematically speaking.

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15y ago

An ellipse.

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Q: What is an elongated circule or oval shape called?
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The word "Oval" in Tagalog is "bilog" or "oval" itself. It refers to a shape that is elongated and rounded, similar to an egg or an ellipse.

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Oblong means that something is elongated. Examples are a rectangle and an oval. An oblong pulpit lectern would be a lectern that is elongated in shape.

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It is called the Oval Office because of its oval shape.

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A map in the shape of an oval is called the Mollweide Map.

What is an elogated circle or oval shape called?

It is called an oval - which is not the same as an ellipse.

What shape is the blue room in the white house?

Oval. It is called the Oval Office.

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The shape of a flattened circle is called an ellipse. The shape is similar to an oval and some may mistakenly call it an oval.

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An oval pointed shape diamond has an elongated oval shape with pointed ends, resembling an ellipse. This shape is called a marquise cut, which is known for creating an illusion of elongated fingers when worn as a ring. The marquise cut diamond typically has 56 facets, offering a unique and elegant appearance.

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