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Any moving body possesses kinetic energy. For e.g if you move a ball and it starts rolling then the ball possesses kinetic enery.

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Q: What is an example for kinetic energy?
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An example of kinetic energy is?

Throwing a ball is an example of Kinetic Energy.

Which of these is an example of kinetic?

Basically, anything that moves has kinetic energy.

What is kinetic energy and what is an example of a kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object in motion. An example of kinetic energy is a moving car.

Is a waterfall a example of kinetic energy?

It is an example of conversion of potential energy (at the top) into kinetic energy (at the bottom).

Which is example of kinetic energy?

Any moving object has kinetic energy.

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Which one of these is an example of kinetic energy?

A moving car is an example of kinetic energy.

What is an example of kinetice energy?

An example of kinetic energy is a moving car. As the car is in motion, it possesses kinetic energy due to its velocity. The faster the car is moving, the more kinetic energy it has.

Example of a device that turns electric energy into kinetic?

One example is an electric motor, which turns electrical energy into kinetic energy.

What is a kinetic energy store?

One example of a store of kinetic energy is a spinning flywheel.

What a example of kinetic energy?

A bullet racing by a non moving observer has kinetic energy.

When does potential energy turn into kinetic energy?

when an object moves, it becomes kinetic energy. example-a rollercoaster