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Q: What is an example of a cartilage you can easily touch and feel?
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An example of cartilage in the body which you can easily touch and feel is?

your outer ear

What type of cartilage can you easily touch and feel?

The tip of you nose or your ears.

What cartilage can you easily touch and feel?

Two easily palpable cartilages are the soft tip of your nose and the external ears.

What factors differentiate a product and a service?

we can feel and touch the product as it is materialistic for example toothpaste coming to service it is not materialistic and we can only feel it example airtel

Can the word feel be used as a noun?

The word feel is both a verb and a noun. The noun feel is a word for a sense of touch; the quality of a thing that's imparted through touch; the act of touching something to examine it. Example sentence:The feel of this fabric is too coarse.

Is it better to pierce with a needle or gun?

The Needle. Using The Gun To Pierce Like For Example Your Cartilage In Your Ear, The Cartilage Might Shatter And Youll Feel Tiny Bumps Around Your New Piercing, Thatll Mean You Have Shattered Your Cartilage. So In My Opinion For Choosing What To Pierce With I Would Have To Say A Hollow Piercing Needle :)

Cartilage bump on the left rib cage is this a cartilage Will it go away I've had it for several years?

It sounds like a benign (not harmful) cyst. Cysts are small balloons of fluid that feel hard to the touch. If the lump on your rib rapidly gets larger, becomes discolored or painful, talk to your doctor.

If i touch the surface of the brain how does it feel?

touch the surface of the brain how does it feel

Where do you feel energy?

Some types of energy can be felt easily, some note. For example, you can easily feel temperature differences, hear sound, or see light. On the other hand, our body doesn't have the organs required to directly feel magnetic fields.

How can you feel air?

Using your sense of touch. For example the temperature of the air, or the humidity, or the movement of the wind. These sensory indications compose the 'feel' of the air around us.

What is the definition of touch?

The definition for touch is feel.

How do you know if your ear cartilage is cracked after having it pierced with a gun?

The best way to tell if your ear cartilage is cracked after having it pierced, is to feel it. If you feel a gap or if it is very sore weeks after, it might be cracked.