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An example would be Newton's First, Second, and Third Law of Motion:

1: Every object at rest (in motion) will remain at rest (in motion) unless acted on by an outside force.

2: F=ma

3: Every force has an equal and opposite force back on that force.

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Q: What is an example of a law of science?
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it is a example of a law that can't be proven by science

Definition of law in science?

A law in science is an invariable relationship between things. For example, Boyle's Law describes the relationship between pressure and volume at a constant temperature.

An example of a theory and an law?

A theory is an idea system with a lot of evidence to support it--for example, the theory of evolution. A law (in science) is an idea system with proof attached to it--no contradictions--example, the law of gravitation.

What are example of physical science?

Some examples are astronomy and chemistry. Geology belongs to earth science, biology belongs to life science and politics, law, sociology and psychology belong to social science.

What word can replace therefore in a sentence?

'So' can replace 'therefore.' Example: 'I have decided not to take law in college and therefore I am going to take Science instead.' Change to: 'I have decided not to take law in college and so I am going to take science instead.'

What is Significance of study of political science for law?

Studying political science is significant for law as it provides a foundational understanding of political systems, governmental structures, and the interaction between the state and its citizens. This knowledge is essential for legal professionals to navigate the complexities of lawmaking and policy implementation within the broader political context. Additionally, studying political science helps lawyers to better comprehend the underlying principles that shape legal frameworks and influence decision-making processes.

What is a example of law in science?

"Laws" are just quick descriptions of various theories - as an example try the "squared/cubed law". As you double in size you get four as strong but nine times as heavy.

What does the definitions in science mean?

Science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths, systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.Science is the law , science is the fact that science is a fact about the law , the law of science is about facts.

How do facts in science differ from opinions Give an example of a fact and an example of an opinion?

Facts differ from opinions because facts are things that can be proven or tested. Opinions are personal beliefs or judgements. Example of a fact in science: The Periodic Table of Elements is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements according to atomic number as based on the periodic law. Example of an opinion in science: I think that the vinegar and baking soda will not react.

Is geology an example of life science?

Geology is an example of an Earth science.

How is Pluto an example of nature of science?

Pluto is not an example of "nature of science."