

What is an example of a negative feedback in human body?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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example of negative feedback example of negative feedback

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Jimmy Mueller

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Q: What is an example of a negative feedback in human body?
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The ADH feedback loop is an example of a negative feedback loop. Negative feedback loops occur when the output of a system acts to oppose the changes to the input of the system. This is the case with ADH because when there is not enough water, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland work to release ADH so that the body can retain more water.

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Negative Feedback

Is the ADH feedback loop an example of positive or negative feedback explain?

The ADH feedback loop is an example of a negative feedback loop. Negative feedback loops occur when the output of a system acts to oppose the changes to the input of the system. This is the case with ADH because when there is not enough water, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland work to release ADH so that the body can retain more water.

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negative feedback

What is an example of how negative feedback controls the body's horemone levels?

Negative feedback is a process in which the body's hormones regulate and maintain homeostasis, or a state of equilibrium. This process is used to maintain stable internal conditions within the body, such as temperature, water balance, blood sugar levels, and hormone levels. Negative feedback occurs when hormones are released into the bloodstream, which then triggers an opposite response from the body to counteract the initial action. This is an example of how negative feedback controls the body's hormone levels. For example, when a hormone is released into the bloodstream, it can trigger the release of a second hormone that will inhibit or reduce the production of the first hormone. This is an example of negative feedback, as the second hormone acts as an inhibitor to the first hormone, which helps to maintain balanced hormone levels in the body. Additionally, some hormones can act as stimulators, meaning they can increase the production of another hormone, which will then reduce its own production. This is another example of negative feedback, as the stimulus hormone is stimulating the production of another hormone, which then helps to reduce its own production. In order to maintain a state of equilibrium, the body needs to be able to identify when the hormone levels are too high or too low and respond accordingly. Hormones can be regulated through a variety of mechanisms, including negative feedback, which is one of the most important ways in which the body regulates its hormone levels. Negative feedback helps to ensure that the body's hormones are kept in balance, which helps to maintain homeostasis.

How does negative feedback effect the body?


What are the feedback mechanisms that regulate hormone levels in the body?

Positive and negative feedback

How does negative feedback help regulate your internal body temperature?

it helps your internal body temperature alot. The negative feedback heats the inside of you so you don't freeze. Its pretty simple when you think about it. Negative feedback is like a thermostat.