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Q: What is an example of a sentence complement?
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Can the objective complement of a sentence be found in a prepositional phrase?

Yes, an objective complement can sometimes be found in a prepositional phrase. This often occurs when the prepositional phrase describes or completes the action of the verb and is necessary to fully understand the meaning of the sentence.

What is the subject complement in the nurse felt your pulse?

There is no subject complement in this sentence. In this sentence "felt" is a transitive action verb with "pulse" being a direct object, receiving the action of the verb.To have a subject complement in the sentence, "felt" would have to function as a linking verb. Example: The patient's pulse felt rapid. (In this case "rapid" is a predicate adjective describing the subject "pulse"; "rapid" is the subject complement.)

Sentence for complement?

I was awed by the full complement of nurses that suddenly appeared.

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence We named our Australian shepherd (Allie).?

objective complement

What is a sentence complement?

A sentence complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and provides additional information about the subject. It can be a noun, pronoun, adjective, or adverb that completes the meaning of the linking verb. Sentence complements can be either predicate nominatives or predicate adjectives.

Example of subject-verb-lingking verb-complement?

The subject - linking verb - complement sentence pattern includes a subject plus a linking verb (is, are, were, was, am, will be, being, been) plus the subject complement, which can be a noun or an adjective. Some examples are:Susie is queen of the class to her classmates.The dog was playful, the kids noticed.Parents are people. too.

Tom left his bicycle on the sidewalk what is the subject complement in the sentence?

There is no subject complement in that sentence. A subject complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that follows a linking verb. Left is the verb, and it's transitive, not linking.

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence?

predicate adjectives

Give the example sentence of linking verb with a complement noun?

Jason was elected the class president.The cake is grandma's recipe.We are Miranda's daughters.

What type of complement is you in this sentence The pizza Marcus made you were delicious?

In the sentence 'The pizza Marcus made you was delicious,' the type of complement 'you' is is called a direct object.

Ahmed is her. is her an object or complement?

No, the word 'her' is the object of the linking verb 'is' (an awkward sentence, it's more usual to phrase the idea as 'She is Ahmed.').An object complement is a noun, pronoun, or an adjective that follows the object of the verb, renaming the object; for example: 'She is my friend Ahmed.' Ahmed is the complement of the object 'friend'.