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Q: What is an example of a unity of direction?
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What is the example of unity of direction?

An example of unity is when the majority of the American public voted for Barack Obama. An example sentence would be, "Barack Obama was elected President of the United States because of the obvious unity of the American public."

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Unity of direction

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The unity of direction can depend on the masses. It, however, takes only one person with the right ethics and morals to lead millions.

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Does national unity is only due to national language?

National unity can be influenced by many factors, not just a shared national language. Other important factors include a common history, culture, values, and shared goals. While language can play a significant role in fostering unity, it is not the sole determinant of national unity.

What si inertia of direction?

It is the abiltity of body to be in a state of direction of motion .for example sun holds planets in a fixed elliptical path .this is one of the example of inertia of direction.

What is Unity of Direction?

Concept that one manager and one plan for a group of activities having the same goals are essential for effective management

What meeting resolved some doctrinal questions and provided direction and unity for the Catholic Church during the Counter Reformation?

The Council of Trent, held between 1545 and 1563, was the meeting that resolved doctrinal questions and provided direction and unity for the Catholic Church during the Counter Reformation. This council addressed issues such as corruption, abuses, and theological challenges raised by the Protestant Reformation, reaffirming key Catholic teachings and practices.

What does unity mean?

Unity refers to the state of being united or joined as a whole, often characterized by harmony, cooperation, and mutual support among individuals or groups. It emphasizes the idea of coming together in agreement, solidarity, and cohesion.