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"We are going broke," was the incisive comment from the company treasurer.

"You will never get good grades"

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Q: What is an example of an incisive comment?
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Sentence for incisive?

The incisive speech got Madeline an 100 as her grade

What is a sentence for incisive?

Incisive is an adjective meaning clever, insightful and perceptive. A good research paper should be incisive, as well as probing and well-organized.

Can you give me a sentence using the word incisive?

The man was very sharp witted and incisive.

Which structure passes through the incisive fossa?

The greater Palatine nerve ascend and branch through the incisive canal.

What are incisive papilla?

A pear-shaped pad of tissue, behind the maxillary central incisors, that covers the incisive foramen.

How do you add a comment in PHP?

< ?php // This is an example of comment in PHP /* This is another example of comment in PHP and we can write comments in multiple lines using this method */ ? >

How makecomment room with jquery?

You can make a comment in jQuery by putting a // in front of your comment. Example: //this is your comment

How can one contact Incisive Media online?

Incisive Media can be contacted through their website, by mail, by phone, by email, or by visiting on of their offices located in multiple continents.

What is the tone in The Quiver of a Shrub in California?

Urgent and incisive

Are incisive comments irrelvant or time consuming?

No, they are "to the point".

What passes through the incisive fossa?

maxillary artery

Any kind of derogatory comment?

A derogatory comment is something that is insulting or disrespectful. One example of a derogatory comment is: â??She sucks at playing soccerâ??.