

What is an example of an parable?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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7y ago

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A parable reveals to the listener true religious doctrine exactly in proportion to ones faith and intelligence. Intelligence in respect to God is deemed as knowledge of the truth, or the light of truth, or the Light of Christ. Faith is a product of righteousness, as in obedience to the commandments of God. Parables, as simple stories with a profound hidden message, were used by Jesus Christ a great deal in his teaching of the people. He taught difficult concepts like the 'Kingdom of God' and how to live a life right in God's eyes, by using a story to illustrate an idea or concept that would otherwise be difficult to grasp. As a simple example, he tells of God being like a woman who loses a silver coin. She hunts the house from top to bottom until she finds it, and then, when she finds it calls all her neighbours in for a party to celebrate. This illustrates how God acts with a sinner. A silver coin is not a huge sum - it represents just a day's wages in jesus' time - but to the woman it is still precious. In the parable, the woman represents God and the coin, a sinner. The lost coin is a sinner who is lost. God looks out that sinner and when a sinner repents and turns back to God, just as the lost coin can be found, there is great rejoicing in heaven - represented by the woman's celebration. Another parable example is the parable of a mustard seed. In those days, mustard seeds were the smallest seeds that farmers sowed, and yet mustard plants grow very large - large enough for birds to nest in their branches. He likens the seed to the Word of God planted in the heart of a human. If that person takes even the smallest part of God into his heart, then that word and love of God will grow in that person until it overwhelms the person and he becomes full ofGod's grace and love.

Answer2: Jesus often used parables, short stories from which moral or spiritual truths are drawn. Since stories are easier to grasp and remember than abstract ideas, the parables helped to preserve Jesus teaching. In many parables, Jesus described his Father with vivid word pictures that could not easily be forgotten. For example, who cannot comprehend the point of the parable of the prodigal son-that when one who has gone astray shows genuine repentance, Jehovah will feel pity and tenderly accept that one back-Luke 15:11-32

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the parable of all parables is in Mark chapter 4, The sower sows the Word.

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