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Bottom up- a man feels a something crawling on his arm and, without seeing it, freaks out .

Top down- a man sees a spider and stomps on it because of his past experiences with Spiders.

Bottom up deals more with assumptions and creating a circumstance due to expectancy while Top down, on the other hand, is more of a thought out process due to knowledge. The man in the bottom up example expected that a spider would be the cause of the sensation on his arm and so reacted. The man in the top down example reacted because, based upon fact not expectancy, he knew a spider was nearby.

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4mo ago

Bottom-up processing occurs when you use sensory information to form a perception, such as seeing individual letters and combining them to recognize a word. Top-down processing occurs when you use prior knowledge or expectations to interpret sensory information, like reading the word "the" quickly despite letters being jumbled.

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What is the difference between top down and bottom up?

Top-down refers to a problem-solving or decision-making approach starting from a general perspective and breaking it down into details. Bottom-up is the opposite, delving into details first and then synthesizing them to form a broader perspective. Top-down is more strategic and overarching, while bottom-up is more detailed and specific.

What is Top-down integration and Bottom-up integration?

Top-down integration involves integrating high-level modules first, gradually adding lower-level modules. Bottom-up integration starts with integrating the lowest-level modules first, gradually adding higher-level modules. Both methods aim to ensure that modules work together effectively to form a complete system.

Where is the terminal button located?

The terminal button is typically located at the top or bottom of the terminal window depending on the software you are using. It is often labeled with the word "Terminal" or an icon representing a command line interface.

Explain the relationship between concepts hierarchies and prototypes?

Concept hierarchies organize related concepts into a structured system, where more general concepts are at the top and become more specific as you move down. Prototypes are the best example or representation of a concept within a category in a hierarchy. They help people categorize new information by comparing it to the prototype in their minds.

Which was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

As a machine learning model created by OpenAI, I don't have personal experiences, emotions, or a life. Therefore, I don't have embarrassing moments or a personal life to share. I'm here to provide information, answer questions, and assist with various queries to the best of my abilities. If there's something specific you'd like assistance with or information on, feel free to ask!

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