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A battery making or giving something a charge to make it move

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Q: What is an example of chemical energy changing into kinetic energy?
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What is an example of electrical energy changing to kinetic energy?

An electric motor or a fan would be an example of electrical energy changing to kinetic energy

If chemical energy can be used to produce kinetic energy what is an example of using chemical energy to produce kinetic energy?

Your car.

Example of chemical energy into kinetic energy?

People Moving

Hands moving on a battery operated clock is an example of what kind of energy conversion?

Kinetic energy being converted to chemical potential energy

How is a space shuttle an example of chemical energy?

Because when it is launched the chemical energy in the fuel is converted to kinetic energy of the space vehicle.

What is an example of radiant energy changing to chemical energy?

The best answer is solar energy.

What is an example of kinetic energy changing into electrical energy?

an example to that is that kinetic energy changes with the help of work while electrical energy is by power like outlets etc. (almost related to potential energy think of it like that.)

True or false a stick of unlit dynamite is an example of kinetic energy?

False, it is chemical energy

What is food an example of what energy?

Animals get energy from the food they eat. Their body transforms chemical energy in the food into kinetic energy, thermal energy, and other chemical energy

How can chemical energy change to kinetic energy?

Any number of ways. If you're looking for an example then connecting a battery to an electric motor would do. Chemical energy in the battery is changed to electrical energy in the circuit, which the motor then converts to kinetic energy.

How can chemical energy turn into kinetic energy?

Any number of ways. If you're looking for an example then connecting a battery to an electric motor would do. Chemical energy in the battery is changed to electrical energy in the circuit, which the motor then converts to kinetic energy.