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An ice cube held in a hand begins to melt

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Q: What is an example of conduction in heat transfer?
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What is an example of heat transfer?

conduction convection and readiation

What is the term for heat transfer of direct contact?

Conduction is the term for heat transfer because of direct contact.

What is is an example of heat transfer by conduction?

Answer~~A pan on the stove getting hot 😁

How do you explain the difference between conduction convection or radiation can transfer heat explain?

It's a different way to transfer heat. One object emits electromagnetic radiation (for example, infrared - though it depends on the temperature); another object absorbs it. Heat transfer through radiation can occur in empty space; with conduction and convection, that's not possible.

By which mode of heat transfer heat is transferred in solids?

the process of transfer of heat energy in solids is known as conduction.. For more info-- the process of transfer of heat energy in liquids and gases is known as convection.. And the process of transfer of heat energy without any material medium is known as radiation..

Why does transfer of heat not place by conduction in fluids?

Wrong, transfer of heat by conduction does take place in fluids.

What type of energy transfer is the transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity?

Because of molecular vibration the heat transferred through a solid is called CONDUCTION

When your hand melts a snowball What type of heat transfer is it an example of?

convection Du!!!!!!!!!!!! .......

Burning your tongue on hot toast is an example of heat transfer by what?

A confluence of conduction and stupidity.

Heat trasferred by touch is called?

Conduction Conduction is the transfer through direct contact which leads to the vibration of atoms. An example of conduction is a frying pan on a stove.

What is the transfer of heat by conduction?

Transfer of heat by conduction is when transfer of heat occurs through touch. Vibrating atoms come in contact with neighboring atoms transferring some of their energy (heat).

How are conduction and heat different?

Conduction is the transfer of electrons in an element while Heat is the effect caused due to the transfer of electrons .