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faulty predication occurs when the subject of a sentence can't "do" the verb. Here is an example: The temperature of water boils at 212 degrees. Water boild at 212 but the temperature can't boil.

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11y ago

Faulty predication occurs when the predicate of a sentence does not work with the subject of a sentence. There are a few types of faulty predication: mixed construction (Ex: Since the king will be visiting the city means there will be extra security in the area.), subjects and verbs that don't make sense together (The goal of the workshop will allow participants to learn teamwork), and illogical equations (A useful technique in writing is a good thesis statement.). The last sentence makes no sense because a thesis statement is not a technique.

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Are defined as STRUCTURES OF PREDICATION because we have a subject and a predicate. Are divided into two: MAIN CLAUSE and SUBORDINATE CLAUSE.

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