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It has imposed minimum wage laws.

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Q: What is an example of how the U.S. government is involved in the economy?
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What caused the US government to get more involved with the economy?

The Great DepressionThe great depression

What caused the US government to get more involved with the country's economy?

The Great DepressionThe great depression

The US has a mixed economy meaning it is mostly a market economy but some aspects of the economy are regulated by the government what is an example of how the US gover?

It has imposed minimum wage laws.

What did the New Deal demonstrate the willingness of the US government to do during the 1930s?

The new deal demonstrated the willingness of the US government to become more involved in the direction of the United States' economy.

What are cafe numbers?

Corporate Average Fuel Economy (cafe) has to do with fuel economy numbers for a car maker. The US government mandates certain economy ratings.Corporate Average Fuel Economy (cafe) has to do with fuel economy numbers for a car maker. The US government mandates certain economy ratings.

What role does the US government play in the free market economy?

Generally, the US government allows for the market to act unimpeded unless it causes serious social losses. For example, the government intervenes and regulates in cases of lack of competition, imperfect information, dangerous production or distribution, and externalities.

How would the us government most likely react to a boom in the economy?

Increase government spending in order to stimulate the economy

Which economy is closer to US economy?

The US economy is closest to a capitalist economy system, although the US has been known to implement a few socialist policies (like more government intervention)

Calvin coolidge believed the US economy choukd be ran by who?

Calvin Coolidge believed that the US economy should be run by the government.

What did President Roosevelt do for the US economy?

He increased government spending

Which of the following is an example of how the government regulates business in the mixed economy of the US?

The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.

How was the US involved in various regions of the world in the 1950s?

The US was involved in various civil wars of countries who had problems with communism within their government system. They were involved in these battles because the goal of the US was to reduce the communist government as much as possible.