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In grammar, an intransitive verb does not take an object. In more technical terms, an intransitive verb has only one argument (its subject), and hence has a valency of one. For example, in English, the verbs sleep and die, are intransitive. ...

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Q: What is an example of intransitive verb?
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Example of intransitive verb in a sentence?

i ate

What is a itntransitive verb?

An intransitive verb is a verb that has no object. For example, Susan was hugged.

Is yeterday you went to the mall transitive or intransitive?

In that example, the verb is intransitive. There is no direct object.

Beverly works at the pet shop after school Is the verb transitive or intransitive?

Works is an intransitive verb in that example. There is no direct object.

Is stay an intransitive action verb?

No, "stay" can be both a transitive verb (takes an object) and an intransitive verb (does not require an object). For example, "Stay here" is intransitive, while "Stay the course" is transitive.

Is the verb transitive or intransitive Beverly works at the pet shop after school.?

Works is an intransitive verb in that example. There is no direct object.

How does an intransitive verb differ from transitive verb?

An intransitive verb does not require a direct object to complete its meaning, while a transitive verb requires a direct object to receive the action of the verb. For example, "sleep" is an intransitive verb in "I sleep," but "eat" is a transitive verb in "I eat food."

Is cats sleep during the day transitive or intransitive?

The verb (sleep) is intransitive in that example. There is no direct object.

What is a intransitive verb?


10 Example of subject and intransitive verb?

she swims nicely

Is HAS intransitive verb?

No, it is a helping verb, and those cannot be transitive or intransitive.

Is the verb transitive or intransitive The distant rainbow was spectacular?

The verb was is intransitive.