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Germany- only working example of compound majoritarianism (Hueglin 2013)

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Majoritarianism is a political theory that holds that the majority should have the power to make decisions for the society. An example of majoritarianism is a country where decisions are made solely based on the preferences of the majority, without much consideration for the rights or opinions of minority groups.

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What is majoritarism?

The word you are probably thinking of is "majoritarianism" It is the implied assumption in many political arguments that the majority has the right to control the entirety of society in some way or another. It is a slight problem for democracies, and there are usually some laws which prevent majoritarianism becoming a problem. For instance, more radical changes often involve a 75% vote as a necessity, and some countries do not allow certain laws to be passed regardless of the vote. The best example of this would be the US, which has a constitution (along with amendments) preventing congress from making certain laws. For instance, congress cannot pass any law which would hinder freedom of religion. This counters majoritarianism because even if 99% of Americans wanted to outlaw a certain religion, they would be unable to do so.

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"Majoritarian politics' is democracy in the extreme. While in a democracy, the term 'majority rules' is accepted, often the wishes of a vocal minority are incorporated into laws being passed. In majoritarian politics, however, the majority does rule, and the wishes of the minority are typically disregarded.

What is what is majoritariansim?

Majoritarianism is a traditional political philosophy or agenda that asserts that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.

The belief that the will of most of the people will be just more often than it will be unjust is called?

The belief that the will of the majority is more likely to be just than unjust is called majoritarianism. This concept suggests that decisions made through democratic processes where the majority rules tend to reflect the values and interests of the broader population.

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its a structure dude, for example there is no example and you have to find that example out to know the example. did you get it yo

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what are the example of —externalwhat are the example of —external

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After "for example," you use a comma. For example, the comma should be placed immediately after "for example" to separate it from the following example.