

What is an example of potetial energy?

Updated: 5/28/2024
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11y ago

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Physics talks about two different types of energy. Kinetic Energy is the energy contained in motion, which Potential Energy is the energy of position.

Think about a large rock, still, stopped on the edge of a cliff. The rock has potential energy, based on its position above the ground. If you push the rock off the cliff, the rock will fall or roll down the cliff, gaining speed all the time until it hits the ground. This energy of motion is called kinetic energy.

But imagine that you have a giant mattress and a big spring; the rock will hit the mattress and compress the spring, If you snap a hook on the spring when it is most compressed, you will capture the kinetic energy and re-convert it into potential energy, in this case the energy trapped in a coiled spring.

Or consider a battery. The battery is still and unmoving, but it contains potential energy. If you release the potential electrical energy by running the electricity from the battery through a motor, you can convert the potential energy of the battery into the kinetic energy of the spinning motor, which may drive a fan causing air to move. Again, you convert potential energy into kinetic energy.

Your battery is all drained, and you want to recharge it. So you plug your battery into a battery charger, and into the wall. Far away, in a mountain lake, water is approaching a high dam. The water, high in the mountains, has potential energy, but as it spills into the intake pipes of the dam, the water falls and converts its potential energy into kinetic energy. The racing water with lots of kinetic energy now, flows against a steel turbine with angled blades, and the rushing water transfers some of its kinetic energy of motion into the turbine's kinetic energy of spinning. Connected to a generator above, the spinning turbine strains to spin a massive generator, converting the kinetic energy of the falling water into potential energy in the electric grid. Some of that electricity makes it to your house and charges up your battery.

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2w ago

A stretched rubber band has potential energy due to its stored elastic potential energy. When released, this potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy as the rubber band snaps back to its original shape.

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14y ago

its when an objact stay there it produce pontential energy

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11y ago

a ball sitting on top of a ramp

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13y ago

in an set position

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