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Each of the members of the team has his own locker.

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Q: What is an example of pronoun-antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns?
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Why do indefinite pronoun cause problem for students?

Indefinite pronouns can cause problems for students because they often have multiple meanings and can be vague or ambiguous. Students may struggle to determine the specific antecedent or referent that the pronoun is replacing, which can lead to confusion in sentence construction and understanding. Additionally, indefinite pronouns may require different verb agreement and pronoun case, adding further complexity for students.

What are the five example of definite pronoun?

There are a group of pronouns called indefinite pronouns but no group called definite pronouns. I have only seen that term used once before, it was for definite personal pronouns. The personal pronouns are I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, them.

What items starts with an f that is a pronoun?

The only pronouns that start with the letter F are some of the indefinite pronouns few and fewer. Example use:Few have responded to the invitations. Fewer say they will attend.

Is everybody is a indefinite or reflexive pronouns?

Everybody is an indefinite pronoun, a pronoun that does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount. Example sentence:Everybody has a bad day.A reflexive pronoun reflects back on the subject like a mirror. The reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves. Example sentence:Why do you blame yourself.

The class of pronouns that does not need a specific antecedent?

Indefinite pronouns don't require an antecedent. Indefinite pronouns are used in place of nouns for people, things, or amounts that are unknown or unnamed.The indefinite pronouns are: all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, enough, everybody, everyone, everything, few, fewer, less, little, many, more, most, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, none, one, other, others, several, some, somebody, someone, something, such, and they (people in general).Example: Many are called but few are chosen.

Anyone who requests a copy of the game may have it for their video library. Is this pronoun antecedent agreement with agreement with indefinite pronouns?

The indefinite pronoun 'anyone' is the antecedent of the possessive adjective 'their'.The plural possessive adjective 'their' is correct as a word that takes the place of a noun for one listener or all of the listeners. When the antecedent is an unknown singular or plural person or thing, it is correct to use a plural pronoun to take its place. It is considered less cumbersome than 'his or her video library'.Another example: The one responsible will have to explain their actions.

What indefinite pronouns can be either singular or plural?

The indefinite pronouns that function as singular or plural are:All is forgiven. All are present.Is any left? Are anycoming?More is on the way. More are arriving.Most is completed. Most are satisfied.None of this is your fault. None are complaining.Some is left. Some are asking for more.Such is my experience. Suchare the most common. (such=an example or examples previously mentioned)

What are the pronouns?

Indefinite pronouns are used in place of nouns for people, things, or amounts that are unknown or unnamed.The indefinite pronouns are:all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, enough, everybody, everyone, everything, few, fewer, less, little, many, more, most, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, none, one, other, others, several, some, somebody, someone, something, such, and they (people in general).Example: You may have some, there is more in the kitchen.Note: The indefinite pronouns are adjectives when placed before a noun to describe that noun.Example: You may have some cake.

Examples of indefinite noun?

Indefinite noun example

Which indefinite pronouns are always singular?

The indefinite pronouns are all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, enough, everybody, everyone, everything, few, fewer, less, little, many, more, most, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, none, one, other, others, several, some, somebody, someone, something, such, and they (people in general).Example sentences:The school is deserted, all are on vacation.Everything is ready. Where is everyone?We don't have much but you may have a little.They say that no one knows the answer.

Is a pronoun a specific thing?

A pronoun is not always a specific thing (or person); for example: The interrogative pronouns (who, whom, what, which, whose) stand in for the answer to the question asked and represent something unknown. The indefinite pronouns (another, anybody, anyone, anything, everyone, etc.) stand in for an unknown or unspecified person or thing.

Can this and that be anything other than pronouns?

Yes, the demonstrative pronouns 'this' and 'that' will also function as adjectives.The pronouns 'this' and 'that' (the singular demonstrative pronouns) take the place of a noun indicating near or far in place or time. The plural demonstrative pronouns are 'these' and 'those'.Example: This is one of mothers favorite movies.The demonstrative pronouns also function as adjectives when placed before a noun to describe that noun.Example: This movie is one of mother's favorites.The indefinite pronoun 'anything' also functions as an adverb.The indefinite pronoun 'anything' takes the place of an unnamed or unknown thing or amount.Example: I didn't find anything in there.The adverb 'anything' modifies a verb as to any degree or extent; in any way.Example: He doesn't seem anything like his brother.