

What is an example of pyrrophyta?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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12y ago

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pyyrophyta is the 4th division of protista .its examples are dinoflagelates and ulva

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1w ago

Dinoflagellates are a common example of Pyrrophyta, a type of phytoplankton that can be single-celled or form colonies. They are known for their ability to bioluminesce, producing light when disturbed in the water.

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pyrrophyta ------------- Pyrrohphyta are a type of dinoflagellate which are a type of flagellated protists and sub-classification of protists. Animal-like protists would be known as eukaryotic organisms. Examples of some of the animal-like protists would be paramecium, amoeba, euglena, vorticella and most of what are historically known as protozoans.

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pyrrophyta ------------- Pyrrohphyta are a type of dinoflagellate which are a type of flagellated protists and sub-classification of protists. Animal-like protists would be known as eukaryotic organisms. Examples of some of the animal-like protists would be paramecium, amoeba, euglena, vorticella and most of what are historically known as protozoans.

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What is the antonym for example?

There is no antonym for example, you can't have no example. Therefore there is no antonym for example.