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Dinoflagellata and Pyrrophyta are two seperate Phylums, but share some of the same members. Pyrrophyta encompasses more organisms, and a working dichotomous key cannot have two phylum that share any of the same members; it defeats the point of seperating the organisms in the first place.

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Q: Why are phylum pyrrophyta and dinoflagellata a paradox?
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What is phylum pyrrophyta used in?

Phyllum is not used itself ,but members of this Phyllum are much important in producing red tides and bloom in sea as in red sea . These blooms are toxic to fish and other organisms+

Which phyla of protists is characterized by animals that swim using flagella?

Thee protists are classified in the Zoomastigophora phylum.

Are some protists many-celled?

yes. like dinoflagellata.

What is the diatoms locomotion?

Dinoflagellata has two flagella, one equatorial and one longitudinal. It uses these two flagella to whirl around (which is what their name means. dino in dinoflagellata means to whirl).