

What is an example of transferring heat through radiation?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The earth receives heat from the sun as radiation

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Q: What is an example of transferring heat through radiation?
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Heat conduction, by means of particle collisions transferring energy.

Heat flow through empty space occurs through radiation?

Correct. Heat Transfering by Radiation does not require a medium to use such as an empty space. For example, Radiation through outer space, Heat emanating from the campfire or fire source.

What is Convection and conduction and radiation?

Conduction:- Conduction is the transfer heat from a hotter to a colder body by vibrating. Convection:- Is the main heat transfer mechanism in fluids. Radiation:- Radiation is the process of particles transferring heat through matter or space.

Can heat travel through space where there is no air?

It depends on how you want to look at it. heat can only be transferred three ways: Convection, which is transferring heat through a fluid, Conduction, which is transfer of heat through a solid, and by radiation, which is emitted light in the infrared wavelengths. radiation can travel through space just fine, but convection and conduction are right out if there isn't anything that can be heated up. Radiation doesn't require a medium, and can thus transfer heat through a vacuum.

Witch method of transferring heat does not need particles?

Radiation does not need particles to transfer heat.

Does radiation heat the earth through convection?

Yes. Radiation waves given off by the sun, heat the Earth through convection. Convection is the movement of heat transfer through liquids or gases, as seen in this example.

3 different ways of transferring heat objects?

Heat can be transferred via conduction, convection, and radiation.

What h is a way of transferring energy when things are different temperatures?

In that case, energy will flow quite naturally, as a heat flow. Heat can flow through three methods: conduction, convection, radiation.

How is heat transferred through space?

heat is transfered through space by radiation.

How is the suns energy transferred?

The sun transfer heat through radiationAnswer'Heat' is not transferred. Rather, 'heat' describes the process of transferring energy. So, your question should read, 'How does the sun transfer energy to earth?", and the answer is by radiation.

Heat given off by a fireplace is an example of conduction convection radiation insolation?

The fireplace's heat is an example of radiation.