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The quest for identity is a long one that we may not know if we ever complete.

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Q: What is an example thesis statement on the subject of self identity?
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What is an example thesis statement on the subject of the Korean War?

Korea was the FIRST "hot" battle of the cold war.

What is an example thesis statement on the subject of Holocaust?

Nations under Nazi influence did not bow to pressure, but only did what they wanted.

Compare and contrast thesis statement?

A thesis statement could compare and contrast just about anything. For example, a thesis could compare and contrast the education of young African Americans in 1950.

The is where the writer explains to the reader what the essay will be about?

the introduction paragraph and mainly the thesis statement.

What is the difference between the thesis statement and a topic sentence?

a topic sentence tells what the topic is, a thesis statement is when you are trying to prove something. Example of thesis: Kenya has delicious food. you have to prove it... hope this helps... x)

What is an example of a thesis statement on medieval music?

A thesis statement should describe what the entire report is about. Therefore, if the report is on types of medieval music, it should state that.

What is an example thesis statement on the subject of giraffes?

giraffe ke gardan lambe to my kya karna,,,,,,lambe raheto uske lambe mere nahwe

What is a good thesis statement for belonging?

Sometimes it is hard to balance belonging to a group with keeping one's individual identity .

What is the difference of a topic and thesis statement?

A topic is the subject of discussion or writing, while a thesis statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay or research paper. The thesis statement typically expresses a specific argument or viewpoint on the chosen topic.

What thesis statement is when a high school graduates and take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college is an example of a thesis statement?


Is a thesis statement just a statement that loosely says the paper's topic is?

No, a thesis statement and the statement of a paper's topic is not the same thing. A thesis statement has to state the thesis or argument that you as the writer are making in the paper. So, the thesis statement has to tell your reader what you are trying to argue or prove in your paper. To take a very simple example, if you have a paper and the topic of that paper is: What is the colour of the sky? your thesis statement would be "The colour of the sky is blue" because that would most likely be the argument you are going to make in your paper in response to the topic of the paper.

Example of a thesis dedication?

Example of thesis dedication: I lovingly dedicate this thesis to my wife, who supported me each step of the way. Basically, you can dedicate your thesis to anyone. A dedication is simply a statement of who the paper is dedicated to and you can or cannot give a reason.