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Q: What is an important part of cross cultural communication?
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What is an important part of cross-cultural communication?

Active listening

What is important part of cross-cultural communication?

Active listening

What part of communication is eye contact?

The growing cultural diversity in the United states makes criss-cultural communication important in which area?

How are methods of communication influenced by culture?

Communication has played a big part in our culture, we need them in emergencies or call family around for a cultural event.

Why is cultural understandings an important part of global citizenship?


Why do geographers consider music to be a cultural signifier?

Music is an important part of cultural rituals like weddings and graduations.

The comparative part of cultural anthropology is called?

The comparative part of cultural anthropology is known as cross-cultural analysis. This involves examining similarities and differences across different cultures to better understand cultural diversity and human behavior.

Why knowing about cultures is important for studies?

Knowing about different cultures is important for studies because it promotes understanding and respect for diverse perspectives. It allows for a more well-rounded and inclusive education, fostering empathy and cross-cultural communication skills. By studying various cultures, students can gain a broader worldview and appreciate the complexity of human societies.

Why was it important to the early civilization to have their own language?

Communication has been a very important part of our lives for a long time.

Why is a shared language such as important part of cultral region?

A shared language is important in a cultural region because it facilitates communication, understanding, and connection among the members of that community. It helps preserve traditions, stories, and values that are passed down through generations, fostering a sense of identity and unity. Additionally, a common language can be a tool for promoting cultural exchange and collaboration within the region.

Culture and communication?

Culture plays a significant role in shaping communication practices, including language use, nonverbal cues, and communication styles. Understanding cultural nuances and differences is essential for effective communication, as it helps to interpret messages accurately and avoid misunderstandings. By being sensitive to cultural influences, individuals can adapt their communication strategies to bridge gaps and build stronger connections with people from diverse backgrounds.

Which type of communication plays most important part in raising motivation level of employees?

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