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Q: What is an inception cohort study?
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What is a concurrent cohort study?

it is prospective cohort study

What is a longitudinal cohort study?

A longitudinal cohort study is a research study where a group of participants is followed over an extended period of time to observe how certain variables or factors impact their health outcomes or behaviors. Researchers collect data at multiple time points to track changes over time and identify potential correlations and causations. This type of study design is commonly used in epidemiology and clinical research to understand the development and progression of diseases.

3 What is a major problem resulting from the lack of randomization in a cohort study?

The lack of randomization in a cohort study can lead to selection bias, where certain characteristics of participants are not evenly distributed between comparison groups. This can affect the internal validity of the study results, making it difficult to attribute observed differences to the exposure being studied rather than other factors. Randomization helps to control for potential confounding variables and ensures that differences in outcomes can be more confidently attributed to the intervention or exposure being investigated.

Is cohort study primary or secondary literature?

A cohort study is considered primary literature because it involves original research conducted by the authors.

Is a cohort study qualitative or quantitative?


In a cohort study a scientist collects health data on a group of nurses. What characteristics was used to form the cohort?


In a cohort study, a scientist collects health data on a group of drug abusers. What characteristic was used to form the cohort?


In a cohort study, a scientists collects health data on a group of people born in 1976. What characteristic was used to form the cohort?


What is the difference between a panel study and a cohort study?

A panel study involves repeatedly collecting data from the same individuals over time to study changes within the same group. A cohort study follows a group of individuals who share a common characteristic or experience over time to see how their outcomes differ. The key difference is that in a panel study, the same individuals are followed over time, while in a cohort study, different individuals may be added to the study group over time.

In a cohort study a scientist collects health data on a group of people born in 1976. What characteristic was used to form the cohort?

The cohort in this study was formed based on the shared characteristic of being born in 1976. This characteristic allows the scientist to follow this group of individuals over time to observe their health outcomes.

In a cohort study a scientist collects health data on a group of drug abusers. What characteristic was used to form the cohort?


Is meta-analysis better than cohort study?

Meta-analysis is not inherently "better" than a cohort study; rather, they serve different purposes. Meta-analysis combines the results of multiple studies to provide a more comprehensive overview of a topic, while a cohort study follows a group of individuals over time to examine the effects of certain exposures. Both study designs have their own strengths and limitations, and their appropriateness depends on the research question being addressed.