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Q: What is an incomplete or broken path for the flow of electricity?
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A incomplete path of electricity?

Yes this condition can happen.

A path for electricity to flow is a?


Why des electricity need to follow a path?

Electricity is the flow of electrons.Hence it requires a path containing free electrons in order to flow.

When electricity takes the easy path what type of circuit is this?

an incomplete circuit

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The movement of water is like the flow of the electricity. Electricity must have a complete path for the flow. This movement is called?


What path electricity flow through?

like water it follows the path of least resistance

What is the path over which electric currents flow?

Electricity always follows the path of least resistance.

Electrons must have a circle path to flow and provide electricity?


A series circuit is:?

A circuit in which electricity only has 1 path to flow.

A parallel circuit is:?

A circuit in which electricity has more than 1 path to flow.