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Q: What is an increase in the number of active motor units in a muscle called?
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Increasing the number of active motor units is called?

Muscle recruitment

When a muscle grows in size what name do we give to the muscle growth?

When muscles grow in size we call this hypertrophy.The word hypertrophy actually refers to an increase in the size of an organ due to an increase in the size of the cells, rather than to an increase in the number of cells. Other body tissues can actually undergo hypertrophy, such as the heart or kidneys (this is usually a bad thing). To differentiate, we usually refer to muscle growth as muscle hypertrophy, but the term is so often applied to muscle building that this is usually not necessary in lay discussions.Increases in size due to an increase in the number of cells (cell proliferation, by the way, is called hyperplasia.

Why must one expect to see a larger number of mitochondria in muscle cells?

Mitochondira generate a cells fuel, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used as a source of chemical energy, which you need because muscle cells are so active.

What is difference between single motor unit and multi motor unit?

There is no 'multi motor unit' to be different from a single motor unit!A single motor unit is all the muscle fibers controlled by a single motor neuron.Multiple motor unit summation is when a smooth and steady increase in muscle tension is produced by increasing the number of active single motor units.Notice that what's being described is not something having to do with a some non-existent thing called a 'multi motor unit', but rather is a summation of many active singlemotor units.

Why do cardiac muscle cells have a large number of mitochondria?

Cardiac cells are very active. A lot of energy is needed

What is multiple motor unit summation or recruitment in a muscle?

When a greater number of motor units are present in a muscle and are able to be simultaneously stimulated causing an increase in muscle force (Sherwood, and Kell 271-272).

What supplements can increase muscle mass?

Protein supplements such as "Muscle Milk" or protein powder in addition to doing weigh lifting (high weight with a low number of repetitions).

What is it called when a cell increase in size or number?


Why does an increase in the number of myofibrils increase muscle fiber size?

Research has found that the number of muscle fibers in the bundles that comprise each muscle group are set by genetics and cannot be increased. What can be increased is the size of the cells in these fibers, which is the goal of strength training.

Which cells in your body would have a large number of mitochondria?

Metabolically very active cells. Examples are cardiac and muscle cels

When there is an increase in the number of cases of a disease in a particular region it is called?

Then it is called as epidemic.

How do muscle change?

skeletal muscle that do a lot of work become stronger and larger. Some of this change in muscle size is because of an increase in the number of muscle cells. But most of the change is because individual muscle cells become larger. Muscles that are not exercised become smaller and weaker