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Dow Jones Industrial Average.

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Q: What is an index of 30 blue chip stocks of us companies?
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What is the difference between blue-chip stocks and speculative stocks?

Blue Chip stocks are the largest companies in the stock market, typically the companies in the Dow Jones index and similars. They are supposed to be stable and high-quality, while speculative stocks have a high probability of moving a lot in price either up or down, like prospecting mining companies, high technology companies, and similars.

What is blue chip stocks?

bluechips are big established companies such as microsoft and few more hundred. Rest are not.

What is non blue chip stocks?

bluechips are big established companies such as microsoft and few more hundred. Rest are not.

What are the advantages of blue-chip stocks?


Why bluechip companies called blue chip not red chip?

Blue chips are highest valued chips in casinos. Blue chip companies are thus named after them

What type of financial product is a Dow ETF?

The DOW ETF Industrial Average is a price-weighted index of 30 "blue-chip" U.S. stocks. It is the oldest continuing U.S. market index. There are various ETF databases online.

What would you do if you have 1 million dollar?

Invest in blue chip stocks.

What is non blue-chip stocks?

Stocks that do not have a proven track record of steady pay back or build up

What is the sensex the nifty?

SENSEX and Nifty are the Indian equivalents of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the United States. SENSEX (means "sensitive index") lists 30 blue-chip stocks trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange. Nifty (short for "Nifty Fifty"--Standard & Poor's CRISIL NSE Index 50) lists 50 blue-chip stocks trading on the National Stock Exchange of India. It does NOT mean "neat, informative, flexible, timely, yours"--that's something else.

What is a blue chip share?

The word 'Blue chip stock' refers to the equity in the securities of high quality companies. Blue chip stock is often also high in public share price. A blue chip stock is the nickname for a stock that is thought to be a relatively safe investment. Blue chip stock is a term named after the blue-colored highest poker chip denomination. Stock of "blue chips" or "blue chip stock" demonstrate some combination of high credit rating, strong balance sheet, stable earnings power. A blue chip stock usually has a diversified revenue base. Most Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) companies fall into the category of blue chip stock. Blue chip stock is not limited to the thirty stocks in the Dow, blue chip can imply any publicly traded stock in a leading international company listed in a foreign stock market. Blue chip stock is often found in conservative investors and retirement portfolios. Volatility for blue chip stock is typically lower than that of lesser known, more thinly traded stocks. Blue chip stock is often popular in market downturns for their ability to pay dividends no matter what the economic climate. The most famous of the blue chips make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The "Dow" consists of the 30 largest and most widely-held public companies in the United States. Some of the companies in the Dow include Coca-Cola, American Express, IBM, General Electric, and Walt Disney. - Md. Sohel Rana (Bangladesh) +8801714228302

How does a blue chip stock differ to that of other stocks?

Because a blue chip stock is in a corporation and has a national reputation for reliability, quality and the ability to operate profitability in good times and bad.

What does the term blue chip stocks mean?

Blue chip stock is a terminology used is within the stock market to mean that a company that is well established and financially not making losses. An investment with a blue chip company is often considered the most secure type of stock investment that can be made.