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Q: What is an isolated rock above an ice sheet?
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Related questions

How much ice is above land in antarctica?

The ice sheet covering about 98% of the Antarctic continent is all above land.

How do we know that there are mountains under antarctica?

We know there are mountains under the Antarctic ice sheet, because some of their peaks rise above the level of the ice sheet.

What temperature will the ice sheet melt?

Ice melts above 32 degrees F all over the world.

What percentage sheet of ice does the Antarctica Ice sheet hold?

The ice sheet holds 100% of Antarctica's . . . ice sheet.

What is the difference between an ice sheet and a ice berg?

an ice sheet is a sheet, ice berg is a berg

What is a sheet of ice?

a sheet of ice is called a glacier

Is Antarctica always covered in snow?

Antarctica is covered -- 98% -- by an ice sheet, not snow. You can find snow sometimes on the Antarctic Peninsula. The beaches are ice-free, as are the nunataks -- the mountain tops that poke above the ice sheet.

The ice sheet is approximately 1500 meters thick in the Arctic or Antarctica?

The ice sheet exceeds 1500 meters in both of these ice sheets, with the Arctic ice sheet referring to the Greenland Ice Sheet.

What sticks out above the ice sheet in Antarctica?

You may be thinking of the tips and tops of mountains, which are called nunataks.

Is Antarctica barren land?

Ninety-eight percent of the continent is covered by an ice sheet. The bare land in Antarctica is generally beach area, or nunataks -- the tops of mountain peaks that poke above the ice sheet.

What is Antarctica's land scape considered?

Since 98% of the continent is covered by an ice sheet, one could consider its landscape as icy. As well, there are mountain peaks -- nunataks -- that pierce the ice sheet and soar above it.

How do glaciers move boulders?

As a glacier or ice sheet moves, it can erode bedrock. The ice can then pick up, or entrain, the eroded rock. As the ice flows, it transports the bedrock debris in the direction of flow.