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1d ago

An object that crashes into Earth is called a meteorite.

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Q: What is an object that crashes into Earth called?
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What is the force of gravity between earth and the object is called?

That's the object's "weight".

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A rock that crashes into earths atmosphere?

We call the fireball caused by friction and compressive heating a "meteor" as it passes through the atmosphere. The fragments that last long enough to strike the ground are called "meteorites".

The place where the Plane Crashes?

Where the plane crashes is called a crash site.

The gravitational attraction between an object and the earth?

is called its weight.

What is the process of connecting an object to Earth with a conductor called?

The process of connecting an object to Earth with a conductor is called grounding. Grounding helps to safely discharge excessive electrical charges and prevent the buildup of static electricity. It is essential for electrical safety and can protect against electric shocks or damages caused by lightning strikes.

Measure of the earth's gravity on an object?

That's called its 'weight'.

What is the object called that is sent to space to circle earth?

A Satellite

What is the result when an object crashes into another object?

Well if the two objects are locomotives, the result is a train wreck.

What are some of the force that effect an object on earth?

On earth, the forces acting on any object is gravity. Since there is an equal and opposite reaction to any force, the earth pushes back on the object. This is called the normal force.

What is the pull of gravity on an object called?

The pull of gravity on an object is called weight. It is the force that acts on an object due to gravity pulling it towards the center of the Earth.