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Q: What is an obsolete French coin equal to 20 sous?
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What is the name of an old French Coin that has three letters?

'un sou' (alternative spelling 'sol') was a small French coin in the past. That still lives in the language in the expression 'avoir des sous' (to be rich).

What is a sous?

they "assist"the actual chef. A Sous Chef is second in command after the Executive Chef in a professional kitchen. This means he or she answers to the chef, but also has some authority over the other kitchen staff. Many of the terms that relate to cooking and cuisine in a professional setting are French. Sous is French for under, so you can see how the sous chef would work directly under the leader of the kitchen.

What does sous-sol mean in French?

sous-sol means underground (or basement in a building) in French.

How do you say submarine in french?

a submarine is called 'un sous-marin' (masc. - plural : des sous-marins) in French.

What is Below in French?


How do you you say the basement in French?

The basement is 'le sous-sol' (masculine noun) in French.

What does plongee sous marine mean in French?

"La plongée sous marine" is underwater diving in French.

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How do you say underneath in french?


How do you spell cents in french?

Well, cents in French is "sous"

What does je suis sous mean in french?

Je suis sous... means I'm under...