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Geosynchronous orbit.

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Q: What is an orbit in which a satellite travels at the same speed as the Earth's rotation?
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An orbit in which a satellite travels at the same speed as the earths rotational speed is called?

That's a 'geosynchronous' orbit. If it also happens to be over the equator, so that the satellite appears to stay at the same point in the sky, then it's a 'geostationary' orbit.

A satellite whose orbit is synchronized with the rotation of the earth?

That is called a geosynchronous orbit.

What is a object that travels in an orbit around earth?

A satellite, or the moon.

What is pogee?

Apogee is the point at which a satellite in an elliptical orbit is At its apogee, the satellite travels slower than at any other point in its orbit.

What is a geo synchronus satellite?

A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period.

What are the names of some satellites currently in earths orbit?

Sutnick was the very first Satellite that was put into orbit.=)

What is the name of the satellite whose orbit is synchronized with the rotation of the earth?

Sputnigg Jr

What change would occur if earths rate of rotation significantly decreased?

the orbit

Is the earths axis rotation almost parallel to the plane of its orbit?

No; it's about 23 degrees off the plane of its orbit.

Is the earth's natural satellite the sun?

no, the moon is the Earths natural satellite, the moon is in orbit around the Earth. The whole Earth/Moon system is then in orbit around the sun.

How does a rocket get out of earths orbit?

surely a rocket or artificial satellite can get out with help of escape velocity....

What is a satellite and why is the moon referred to as the earths satellite?

satellites are things that orbit other things in space, for example the moon orbits the earth and is therefore the earth's satellite