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It's acceleration.

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Q: What is and acceleration force divided by mass?
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What happens to the acceleration when mass and force are doubled?

Acceleration remains the same. Remember that Force equals Mass times Acceleration, or Acceleration equals Force divided by Mass. So, if both Force and Mass double, Force Divided by Mass remains the same.

Is this right force equals mass divided by acceleration?

No. Force = mass x acceleration.

How do you find an object's acceleration from it's mass and the force acing on it?

Acceleration = (force) divided by (mass)

What is the relationship existing between acceleration and mass?

Acceleration is force divided by mass.

Acceleration equals force divided by mass?


Force divided by mass equals?

Newton's Second Law: force = mass x acceleration. Rearranging the equation, you see that force / mass = acceleration.

What states that acceleration equals force divided by mass?

If: Newton's Second Law states that Force equals Mass times Acceleration. Then: Algebraically, Acceleration would equal Force divided by Mass

How do you find acceleration with mass and force?

Newton's second law is F=ma to so m=F/a

What is the acceleration when the force is 50 newton?

That depends on the mass. Acceleration = (50 newtons) divided by (the mass)

I have the weight and force so how do i figure out acceleration?

Acceleration = force in newtons divided by mass in kilograms

According to newton's second law of motion the acceleration of an object equals the net force acting on the object divided by the object's?

Newton's Second Law is usually written as:F = ma (Newton didn't write it like this, originally.) Solving for acceleration: a = F/m So, to get the acceleration, you divide the net force by the mass.

Does mass need to be changed to newtons to find the acceleration?

Mass can't be changed to newtons. The newton is a unit of force, not mass.In order to find the acceleration, you need to know the mass and the force.Then, the acceleration is (force) divided by (mass).