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Q: What is anesthesia cpt code for debridement of third-degree burs of right arm 6 percent body surface area patient is 2 years old and otherwise healthy?
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What is a debridement?

Debridement is the process of removing dead (necrotic) tissue or foreign material from and around a wound to expose healthy tissue.

Can a person with bradycardia have labrum shoulder surgery with anesthesia?

Sure if you have a otherwise healthy heart, the anesthesiologist will want to know why you are bradycardic though.

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Maggot Therapy is used as a way of removing dead tissue with the goal of encouraging healing in healthy tissue(debridement) and disinfection.

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Difference between abrasion and debrasion?

Abrasion" and "debridement" are related terms used in healthcare and wound care, but they have different meanings and purposes: Abrasion: An abrasion refers to a superficial injury to the skin or a mucous membrane, usually caused by friction or rubbing against a rough surface. It is a type of wound where the top layer of skin (epidermis) is scraped off, but it typically doesn't involve deeper tissues. Common examples of abrasions include skinned knees from falling on pavement or road rash from a motorcycle accident. Debridement: Debrasion also Debridement is a medical procedure or process used to remove damaged, infected, or dead tissue from a wound or injury. It is done to promote healing by creating a clean and healthy environment for tissue repair and regeneration. Debridement can be performed in various ways, such as surgical debridement (using scalpels or scissors), enzymatic debridement (using topical enzymes), mechanical debridement (using specialized dressings or tools), or autolytic debridement (letting the body's natural processes break down dead tissue). In summary, "abrasion" is a type of superficial skin injury caused by friction, while "debridement" is a medical process or procedure used to remove damaged tissue from wounds to facilitate healing. They are related in the sense that debridement might be necessary for more severe abrasions if there is dead or infected tissue that needs to be removed to support healing.

Why do we need to have a healthy diet?

Otherwise you'd be a chubby bunny

Why should you have a healthy diet in Australia?

You should have a healthy diet wherever you are, otherwise you can get sick from malnutrition or become overweight.

What factors may be indications for general anesthesia in dental and oral surgery?

high levels of preoperative anxiety, lengthy and complex procedures, and the need for a pain-free operative period may be indications for general anesthesia in healthy adults and very young children