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Q: What is another name for a box of phosphorus and sulfur?
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Why does a match burn?

not so, the phosphorus burns at a much higher temperature than wood. (intuative as it ignites the wood so readily) the temperature is roughly 1600C or 1873K, although after the phosphorus has been combusted the temperature will drop as the wood will be the fuel. the phosphorus being the red bit at the end. this temperature is comparable to water that boils at 100C (373K). where xC=(x+273)KK is Kelvin and C is centigrade. both of which are measuring scales of temperature.

How many electrons are in the outermost shell of an atom with 15 electrons?

If you think to phosphorus this number is 5.

Chemical formula of gunpowder?

Gunpowder is a finely ground mixture of Potassium Nitrate (75%), Sulphur (10%) and Charcoal (15% w/w). The mixture burns extremely quickly, evolving gases which increase the reaction volume and thus make it a powerful propellant.

Which color of phosphorous is used in matchsticks?

Early matchstick makers used to use white phosphorous, which was explosive and dangerous. Modern matches use a mixture containing red phosphorous instead, which burns more slowly and much cleaner.Strike-anywhere matches use phosphorus sesquisulfide, mixed with other minerals (such as potassium chlorate) so that it's still reasonably safe: it requires a vigorous rubbing motion to ignite, so it won't just ignite from rubbing against other match heads while sitting in the box.

Why was John Alexander Reina Newlands periodic table rejected?

Newland's Periodic Table was rejected because it had errors, for example he put iron and oxygen and sulfur in the same group even though iron is a metal and the other two are non-metals. This, along with the fact he put elements such as cobalt and nickel in the same box, made his table unacceptable.