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Q: What is another name for a zone of instability in Earth's crust along the boundaries of tectonic plates marked by earthquakes and volcanic activity that rings the pacific ocean basin?
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Related questions

Do tectonic plates seems to have had the most earthquakes activity?

No. Everything on earth is on at least one tectonic plate. It is the boundaries between different plates that see the most earthquake activity.

How are the location of earthquakes mountain ranges and volcanic activity related?

"Young" mountain ranges as well as earthquakes, volcanoes and tectonic plates tend to be located on or near the boundaries of tectonic plates.

Most earthquakes occur at the boundaries of these?

Most earthquakes occur at the boundaries of the tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are always in motion, and when two of them collide with one another it causes earthquakes.

Why do most earthquakes occur near tectonic plate boundaries?

Tectonic plates move along, against, or away from eachother at their boundaries. These movements produce earthquakes

Why do Earthquakes most commonly occur near tectonic plate boundaries.?

Tectonic plates move along, against, or away from eachother at their boundaries. These movements produce earthquakes

What regions do earthquakes mostly occur?

earthquakes usually occur at tectonic plate boundaries

Are all earthquakes around tectonic plate boundaries?

no not all

Is earthquakes common at the boundaries between tectonic plates?


What typically occurs along boundaries of tectonic plates?


What frequently occurs at tectonic plates boundaries?

Tectonic plate boundaries are known for its earthquakes and volcano eruptions due to the constant shifting

What is tectonic activities?

Tectonic activities are processes related to the movement and deformation of the Earth's crust. This includes activities such as plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building. These activities are driven by the movement of tectonic plates and can result in the formation of various geologic features.

What is the result of tectonic activity?

Tectonic activity has a number of consequences, which include continental drift, earthquakes, and volcanoes.