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Angela Veum

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Q: What is another name for electrical potential difference?
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Define voltage in terms of electric potential energy and charge?

When unlike charges are moved farther apart, they gain electrical potential energy. Electrical potential difference is the change in potential energy per coulomb of charge. Voltage is the common name for electrical potential difference and is measured in volts (V). Electrical energy depends on the amount of charge and voltage. Electrochemical cells, or batteries, are a common source of voltage. We use voltmeters to measure potential difference. :)

Another name for electric potential energy?


What is potential and potential difference?

You can compare 'potential' with the height of an object, and 'potential difference' with the difference in height between two objects.Height is not absolute, we always specify height with respect to some point of reference, such as 'sea level'. Objects above sea level we can designate as, for example, plus 1000 metres; objects below sea level we can designate as, for example, minus 500 metres.The difference in height between these to objects will be +1000 - (-500) = 1500 metres.In much the same way, potential depends upon from where it is measured. In many cases, we measure potential with respect to earth, although we could use any other reference point, in which case its potential would be different. For example one object may have a potential of +1000 V with respect to earth, while another has a potential of -500 V with respect to earth.The potential difference between these two objects will be +1000 - (-500) = 1500 V.To summarise, potential exists at a single point, and is always measured with respect to another point, such as earth. Potential is always assigned a polarity with respect to its point of reference. Potential difference is the difference in the potentials at two different points, and does not have polarity assigned to it (do not confuse 'sense' -the direction in which it acts- with 'polarity').Finally, 'voltage' is another name for potential difference, not potential. It would be incorrect to ask "What is the voltage at this point with respect to earth".

What is another name for gravitational potential energy?

the term potential energy refers to the energy stored in an object.

What is the name for an electrical load that converts electrical energy into movement?

The Motor converts electrical into mechanical energy

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Another name for EMF?

"Potential difference" or "Voltage".

Another name for potential difference?

Voltage Voltage

Define voltage in terms of electric potential energy and charge?

When unlike charges are moved farther apart, they gain electrical potential energy. Electrical potential difference is the change in potential energy per coulomb of charge. Voltage is the common name for electrical potential difference and is measured in volts (V). Electrical energy depends on the amount of charge and voltage. Electrochemical cells, or batteries, are a common source of voltage. We use voltmeters to measure potential difference. :)

What is voltage in a electrical circuit?

'Voltage' is synonymous with, that is, another name for 'potential difference'. When a potential difference is applied across the ends of a conductor, a current will pass along that conductor.Potential difference is a measure of the energy (measured in joules) required to transport electrical charges (measured in coulombs) between two points along a conductor, and is expressed in joules per coulomb which, in the SI system, is given a special name, the volt (symbol: V), named in honour of an Italian physicist, Count Allesandro Volta. So, voltage or potential difference is measured in volts.

What is another name for voltage?

Voltage can also be called "potential" and is measured across components or sections of a circuit.Answer'Voltage' is another word for 'potential difference', not'potential'!

How are voltages imported into installations through the supply neutral conductor?

A 'voltage' is another name for a potential difference. As the name implies, a potential difference exists between two different points or, in the case of an electrical installation, between the line conductor and the neutral conductor. So the neutral does not 'import voltages'. Voltages exist between the line (hot) conductor and the neutral conductor.

What is mean by a potential difference?

Another name for potential difference is voltage.

What is impulse in the nervous system?

electrical wave conducted along the nerve generated by the voltage difference across the cell membrane of the nerve cells.

What is potencial difference measured in?

The unit of measure is the Volt Potential difference is basically electrical "pressure" (an excess of electrons). Volt.....The unit of electric potential. Named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745- 1827). The potential difference is the difference in charge at the poles of a current source The volt (symbol: V) is the SI derived unit of electromotive force, commonly called "voltage". It is also the unit for the related but slightly different quantity electric potential difference (also called "electrostatic potential difference"). ...

Is voltage measured in volts?

Voltage, along with electric pressure, electric tension, and electrical potential difference is measured in units of electric potential. This can be joules per coulomb or volts.AnswerFirst of all, there is no such thing as a 'voltage difference'. Voltage is already a 'difference', as it is an alternative name for 'potential difference'! 'Voltage difference', therefore, would mean 'potential difference difference', which makes no sense!The unit for potential and potential difference (voltage) is the volt, which is equivalent to a coulomb per second.

What is another name for an electrical switch?

a controller.

Name a device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor?

volt meter is the device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor