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sodium chloride

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Q: What is another name for normal saline?
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What does the medical abbreviation NS mean?

Normal Saline (IV)There are several meanings for the abbreviation NS. One meaning is Normal Saline. Another meaning of NS is Not Specified.There are several meanings for the abbreviation NS. One meaning is Normal Saline. Another meaning of NS is Not Specified.

How do you prepar Normal saline?

How do we prepare a normal saline?

Is normal saline is hypertonic solution?

Yes this saline is a hypertonic solution but 3% saline is also not normal. There is nothing "normal" about it. There is only one "normal saline" and that is 0.9%.

What is the brand name of normal saline solution?

hartmans solution

Is normal saline hypotonic?

Normal Saline is an isotonic solution.

What is twice normal saline?

It is saline that has twice the concentration of salt as normal saline. Normal saline is 0.9% NaCl, so twice normal is 1.8% NaCl. Now I have a question. Is this ever given to patients?

Drug incompatibility of normal saline solution?

what catecholamine should not be mixed with normal saline

Why only normal saline in Amnioinfusion?

normal saline composition is same as body fliud

What is the difference between normal saline and physiological saline?

normal saline is 0.85%w/v NaCl whlist physiological saline is 0.90% w/v NaCl.

Is normal saline with 20 percent kcl a hypertonic solution?

Yes this saline is a hypertonic solution but 3% saline is also not normal. There is nothing "normal" about it. There is only one "normal saline" and that is 0.9%.

What is a common name for physiological salt solution?

Normal saline solution (9 g/L)

Is normal saline same as sodium chloride?

Yes, normal saline and sodium chloride are not exactly the same. Normal saline is a mixture of sodium chloride (salt) and water in specific concentrations (0.9% sodium chloride in water). So, normal saline contains sodium chloride, but it also includes water.