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A desmid, or any of various green unicellular freshwater algae of the family Ddsmidiaceae, often forming chainlike colonies.

Also know as helizoa

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Q: What is another name for sun animalcule?
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What is another for Sun animalcule?


What is another name for animalcule?


What is an animalculum?

An animalculum is another name for an animalcule, a tiny animal or protozoan.

What another name for sun animalcule?

A desmid, or any of various green unicellular freshwater algae of the family Ddsmidiaceae, often forming chainlike colonies. Also know as helizoa

What is another word for amoeba?

Amoeba or ameba is the singular form.

What is an animalcule?

An animalcule is a minute or microscopic animal or protozoan, or a tiny animal, such as an insect or mouse.

What is a bell animalcule?

A bell animalcule is a protozoan of the family Vorticellidae, common in freshwater ponds.

What words do you use today instead of animalcule?

The noun animalcule is now known as microorganism

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Another name for paramecium is Slipper Animalcule. Lady Slippers. paramecia parameciidae.

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Which is another name for the sun?
