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Q: What is the african name of for the cape buffalo?
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What is an African buffalo?

An African buffalo is a species of buffalo, also known as the Cape buffalo, Latin name Syncerus caffer.

Who are the big 5?

The african elephant, the african rhino, the cape buffalo, the leopard and the african lion?

Can a Lian hunt a buffalo?

The African lion can and does hunt the indigenous buffalo species of the African continent, the Cape Buffalo. This is not typically an easy catch for lions, however, as Cape Buffalo are not easily intimidated, fight back against predators, and often work in teams when attacked.

What is the Latin name for African Buffalo?

The Domestic Asian Water Buffalo or Water buffalo has the Latin name "Bubalus bubalis". There isn't a specific Indonesian Water Buffalo. They are found throughout Asia, and widely used in South America, southern Europe other regions.

What animals weigh 1500 pounds?

A holstein cow.

What buffalo is Africa the home to?

The Gnu(also known as Wildebeest) is commonly referred to as a Water Buffalo, and is native to Africa. There is also the Cape Buffalo, also known as the African Buffalo, which is also a native African species.

What is the scientific term for buffalo?

The American buffalo, or bison, is Bison bison.The African cape buffalo is Syncerus caffer.The water buffalo and dwarf buffalo are species of the genus Bubalus.

Are buffalo male or female?

Both. Buffalo is the name of a species of large ungulate animal related to the domestic bovine or "cow". There are both males (bulls) and females (cows) of the buffalo species, be it African Cape or Asian Water.

Is a water buffalo different from a buffalo?

No, they are two separate species: Cape Buffalo are from Africa and possess the scientific name Syncerus caffer and Water Buffalo are from Asia, with the scientific name Bubalus bubalis. Cape Buffalo are also larger and more muscular than water buffalo, and look quite different from Water Buffalo. For instance: A cape buffalo's horns come together at the poll and curve out and up on either side of their heads. A water buffalo's horns grow more to the back of the animal. The Cape Buffalo can also bellow like domestic cattle, along with a series of other vocalizations. Water buffalo only make grunting sounds.Please see the related links below for more information.

What is the another name of buffalo?

That would depend on which buffalo you are talking about.The Water Buffalo can be referred to as Bubalus bubalisor Asian Buffalo.The African Buffalo can be called the Cape Buffalo, affalo, nyati, Black Death, or mbogo.The American Buffalo (which is not really a buffalo) can be called the American Bison, which is a more accurate name since the species is actually a Bison.

What does a buffalo eat?

Buffalo, being the great African Cape Buffalo and the Asian Water Buffalo (NOT the American Bison, which is not a true buffalo), eat primarily grass that grows on the savannah or in the wetlands that they wade in.

Where do buffaloes?

African Cape Buffalo are found on the plains of Africa. Asian Water Buffalo are found in Southeast Asia. Bison (mistaken as "buffalo") are primarily found in North America.