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Q: What is another term used to describe vertical integration?
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Is another term used to describe vertical integration?


What is another term used to describe the groups of elements in columns of the periodic?

The another term used is Families. The vertical columns are referred as groups or families.

What is another term used to describe the group of elements in columns of the periodic tables?

The another term used is Families. The vertical columns are referred as groups or families.

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Vertical economy

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Durkheim uses the term social integration to describe the degree in which members of a society are united by shared values and other social bonds.

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What is a vetical intergration?

Vertical integration refers to ownership of all the resources necessary to make a given product. The classic example is Ford Motor Company, which at one time owned iron mines and rubber plantations among other resources necessary for making automobiles. 'Vertical monopoly' is another term for this.

What is another term used to describe the groups of elements in columns of the period table?

The another term used is Families. The vertical columns are referred as groups or families.

What is the term used to describe all the elements that are in the same vertical column on the periodic table?

The term used is group. It is also called family.

What term is used to describe all the elements that are same on a vertical call periodic table?

The term used in Groups. It is sometimes called Family.

What is another term for glucose molecules?

Monosaccharide is another term that is used to describe the glucose molecules.