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Q: What is another way to explain a hypothesis?
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Is hypothesis an educated guess to explain a phenomenon?

Yes, a hypothesis is an educated guess or a proposed explanation to a phenomenon. It is based on prior knowledge and observations and serves as a starting point for further investigation and experimentation.

How can you explain the meaning of experiment?

A trial and error way of answering a hypothesis.

What is the difference between a hypothesis a theory and a conclusion drawn from hypothesis testing?

A hypothesis is a suggestion of a way to explain something. If the hypothesis is tested and confirmed, it can advance to the status of theory. The conclusion of testing a hypothesis will be either that the hypothesis is confirmed, or it is not confirmed.

What is another way to say educated guess?


What is m-m hypothesis?

Hypothesis? Hypothesis is a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations

What is a useless hypothesis?

a useless hypothesis is one that cannot be tested or proven one way or another using the scientific method.

What is a hypothesis that does not explain an observation?

When you are using the scientific method, you would try to imagine a hypothesis which explains an observation, but you might not succeed. A hypothesis that does not explain an observation would be considered a failed hypothesis. You would then need to invent a different hypothesis.

Did your data support your hypothesis?

so you have to put in did it help you explain your hypothesis

What is another hypothesis that might explain why hummingbirds seem to preferred flowers?

Because it's maybe the only color they see.

What is a hypothesis to prove that eating garlic prevents colds?

What a silly question! Look up the word 'hypothesis' and then ask it another way.

What are requirments for creating a proper hypothesis?

A proper hypothesis is one that has at least a superficially reasonable quality to it, it has some plausibility as an explanation for whatever it is that you are trying to explain. If it is obviously ridiculous, then it does not qualify as a proper hypothesis. In addition, from a scientific viewpoint a hypothesis should be testable in some way. If there is no way to test your hypothesis then what you are doing is philosophy, not science.

What does the medical term hypothesis mean?

A hypothesis is a theory that attempts to explain a certain phenomenon.