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Q: What is another way to say with that being said?
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What is the other way of saying sad?

Another way you can say you are said is you are 'blue.'

What is another way to say being told?

Being informed.

What is another way of saying with that being said?

In light of this, taking this into consideration or taking this into account.

What is another way to say pending?

in the process of being completed

Another way to say told in a sentence?

perhaps you may use, He/She said, He/She mentioned, He/She added,

Someone said to me 'I will leave you and your undertones' I don't understand what they mean - What does undertones mean when used in conversation?

Most likely they mean that your conversations and words can imply other things being said. What you say to them can mean or be taken another way or in another context. Sounds like a trust issue.

What is another way to say you have?

you've got is another way to say you have.

What is another way of saying 'say'?

'Sayed' is not a proper word. If you are referring to the past tense and past participle of the verb 'to say', it is 'said' (pronounced 'sed').

How do you say... He said surprised. or He said surprisedly. or He said in a surprised way.?

He said in a surprised way, is the one.

What is Another way to say thank you for being wonderful?

Those 3 little words. I love you.

What is another way to say she is keeping herself to herself?

She is being reserved or keeping to herself.