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eg: during the past few years. my answer is in. eg: in the past few yeras

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15y ago
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15y ago

Another word for during is while.

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Another word for during?


What is another word for century during 1850?

The nineteenth century.

What is another word for patriots during the revolutionary war?

The Rebels

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What is another word for the in colonial times?

during imperialism/early settlers

What is another word for French Huguenots?

Another word for French Huguenots is Calvinists, as they were followers of the teachings of John Calvin in France during the 16th and 17th centuries.

What is another word for - compulsary military service during the World War 1?


What is another word for hand food?

finger foods, foods common during parties.

What is another Word for imagining things during the day?

Daydreaming would be the one to use.

What is another word from the verb endure?

The verb to endure has the noun form endurance.It is from the same root as the word duration, and the preposition during.

What is another word for British?

Brits English Redcoats (during the Revolutionary War) UK citizens

What is another name for what took place in the holocaust during world war 2?

You might be thinking of the word "Shoah", which is the Hebrew word for it. "Holocaust" is an English word.